Q and A


How can I increase my sexual desire?

Hi, I am HIV-postive (due to drugs) and got married to a HIV-positive woman. I do not have any sexual desire, but I want to have children. I am on meds, can you please suggest what to do to take part in sex actively and whom to consult.


There may be many different reasons for low or lack of sexual desire, i.e. some form of hormonal disbalance, psychological reasons, fear and many more.

That is why, it is important to discuss the situation openly with your HIV doctor, so that he/she can assess what referral to provide you with. Nowadays, treatment of these conditions is quite successful, so the sooner you have the discussion with your doctor the quicker the situation can improve.

I understand that this topic can be difficult, but majority of doctors will approach it with understanding and you can also ask to meet a male/female doctor if you will be feeling more at ease.

The guide to side effects includes more detailed information on sexual problems.


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