8.17 Further information and links

The following links are included for further reading.

HIV i-Base


An HIV advocacy and treatment information organisation based in the UK.

UK Community Advisory Board


UK-CAB is a network for community HIV treatment advocates in the UK.

The CAB aims to develop, strengthen and support:

  • A network of treatment advocates
  • Expert training on current treatment issues and opportunities to meet with doctors, researchers and pharmaceutical companies
  • Community representation in clinical trials and setting the standard of care

The UK-CAB is free to join and connects over 500 members from over 120 community organisations.

Please see the website for further details.

ECAB (European CAB)


The ECAB is a working group of the European AIDS Treatment Group. It has been running for over ten years

to support community involvement in trials across Europe.

Medical Research Council (MRC)


The national organisation for research across all disease areas in the UK.

The MRC Clinical Trials Unit is responsible for running many national and international HIV trials in the UK.

US Clinical Trial Database


Important site that lists US and international studies.

Regulatory agencies

The following agencies are responsible for evaluating the safety of medicines in the UK (MHRA), Europe (EMA) and the US (FDA).




British HIV Association (BHIVA)


BHIVA produces an important range of clincal guidelines and organises annual conferences.

Declaration of Helsinki

International guidelines on ethical standards to protect participants in clinical studies. First published in 1964 with several updates, sometimes controversial. The latest revision in 2013 was published in JAMA in 2013.

History and background of the document.

Helsinki declaration (7th revision).

Last updated: 1 January 2023.