3. 6 ART guidelines

HIV treatment guidelines summarise the latest research and recommend the best ways to use ART.

They are also produced for different settings, depending on the treatments that are currently likely to be available.

There are many different guidelines about HIV treatment (ART).

  • Many countries develop their own guidelines. In the UK these are developed by BHIVA.
  • Other countries refer to these, especially those from the US (HHS).
  • Some regions develop guidelines, for example, EACS in Europe.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) produces global guidelines. These are mainly used in low- and middle-income countries.

The main HIV guidelines are for adult treatment. There are usually separate guidelines for treating children, treatment during pregnancy, for TB or hepatitis coinfection, for adherence, and for treating opportunistic infections.

Guidelines generally use technical medical language and are written for doctors. They review the evidence for each choice or decision. This includes, for example, when to start ART, which drugs to use, and how to manage side effects.

Some guidelines, including in the UK, produce a community summary using less technical-language.

Guidelines are only as up-to-date as the evidence that was available when they were written. This means they need to be revised regularly to make sure the information stays up-to-date.

Just like other information, including from i-Base, always check the date. Check whether a more recent update is available.

Guidelines online

All important guidelines are published online, with free open access.

WHO guidelines
The World Health Organization (WHO) has produced many different HIV guidelines on all aspects of HIV. This includes diagnosis, monitoring, treatment and other care. Please scroll down this page to see the guidelines link.

The 2022 guidelines cover both adult and children’s care, for HIV treatment and prevention.

US guidelines

Separate public US guidelines for adults, children, pregnancy, OIs, testing and prevention. Updated at least every year.

UK guidelines

Over 15 current guidelines on all aspects of HIV care. This includes treatment, pregnancy, coinfection with hepatitis and TB, malignancies, immunisations and organ transplants.

UK guidelines for children

European guidelines

European guidelines on HIV, treatment, co-morbidities and coinfection with hepatitis B/C.

Last updated: 1 January 2023.