
Introduction to Combination Therapy (2013)

Two of the most widely used treatment guides have been updated.

The April 2013 edition of Introduction to Combination Therapy includes four new sections.

Read in magazine format

This guide includes information about the most important aspects of HIV treatment. It is written and reviewed by HIV-positive treatment people and uses everyday language to explain medical terms.

Main changes to this edition include:

The main changes to this edition including new sections on:

  • Why treatment guidelines don’t all use the same CD4 count to start treatment  – this link online and new page 18 in the print/PDF.
  • Using treatment to reduce the risk of transmission. This includes starting treatment earlier – this link online and new page 19 in the print/PDF (and throughout the guide).
  • Changes to the structure of NHS services and access to different drugs in the UK – this link online and new page 39 in the print/PDF.
  • Generic HIV drugs: which meds are affected, changes in formulations and safety of generics  – this link online and new page 40 in the print/PDF.

Updates include new infomation on:

Updates to the ARV chart inserted as a 4-page section into the centre pages of the print version: