Q and A


I stopped treatment, can i infect my partner?

I stopped treatment a month ago, can i infect my partner?



Because you have stopped treatment the risk of infection to your partner does increase. This is because your treatment controls something called viral load. This is how much HIV is in your blood. The lower your viral load is the less likely it is that transmission takes place.

While you are not on treatment you can use condoms when having sex. This will protect your partner from transmission.

Is there a reason you have stopped treatment?

You can find more information about risks of transmission in our online guide.


  1. Simon Collins

    Your partner is HIV negative, but technically might be in the window period between becoming positive and the test showing a positive result. Really, it is better to talk to a doctor about whether the risk is high enough to need PEP. HIV is a difficult virus to catch. If you like sex without condoms perhaps think about PrEP (search the i-Base website for info). PrEP is much easier to take than Atroiza.


    After I had an unprotected sex I bought Atroiza to protect myself from HIV but nw I have tested with the person and she’s HIV negative ,is it necessary for me to continue taking the treatment since am also negative.


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