
Will nigella seeds (black seeds) help my CD4 count?

I was tested couple of days ago and my CD4 count is 107. I am now waiting for my viral load test.

I am following proper diet and trying to eat all what helps the immune system. I am even adding nigella seeds in my diet as it helps the immune system. Hopefully my medication starts asap.

Can I still keep taking nigella seeds in my diet or will it not work with these modern medicines.


Thanks for getting in touch.

The only way to increase your CD4 count is to use HIV treatment (called ART).

Herbs and supplements can not do this. There is no reason to take the nigella seeds – unless you just like the taste. There is also no such thing as an ‘immune booster’. This is just advertising.

It iss good you are eating well. A balanced nutritious diet will give your body everything it needs. See: A balanced diet and your health:

ART is essential because your CD4 has already dropped to 107. Please talk to your doctor about starting treatment.

Your doctor should also give you a dual antibiotic called co-trixmoazole. Has you doctor also prescribed this? This will protect you against other infections until your CD4 increases with ART.

More info about starting meds is at this link:


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Temple, how are you feeling since recently being diagnosed? Do you know what your CD4 count and viral load is?

    It is great to hear that you have started treatment. This is the best way to boost your immune system. The treatment works by suppressing HIV and allowing your body to naturally recover. If your CD4 count is below 200 it is advised to be on an additional treatment called co-trimoxazole. This is used while your immune system is weak to prevent other infections.

    Aside from treatment there is nothing extra you need to be taking to help boost your immune system.

  2. Temple

    Please I’m newly diagnosed it’s been one month since I’m on Art , what do I do to boost my immune system


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