Q and A


I’m undetectable, can I transmit?

I am HIV+ Gay man and undetectable for over 2 yrs. 100% adherence and fit. My BF is negative and on PREP we do full STI check every three months. We’re in an exclusive relationship. Lately he is asking me to ejaculate in him and I am very anxious about that. Is it ok to ejaculate in and him not get infected ?


Thanks for getting in touch.

The simple answer is that no, you cannot transmit HIV to your partner. You can’t transmit because your viral load is undetectable. Please see here: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

Because there’s no risk, your partner doesn’t even need to be on PrEP.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sharly,

    Whether HIV transmission takes place is related to many different things. Please see this link.

    All other FAQs about HIV risks and HIV testing can be found here.

  2. Sharly

    Can one contract HIV /Aids from an infected person during their first attempt in sex

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thando,

    We don’t have resources to answer more questions about transmission and testing. But all frequently asked questions are answered here.

  4. Thando

    Me and my partner had sex with a condom. I spermed and he later pull out and spermed outside. I then went to see a Dr and tested negative. is there any chance where I can be infected?


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