Q and A


My viral load went up from undetectable to 200 copies/mL but I never miss a dose…

I tested positive last year with a CD4 of about 150. I started treatment with Dapsone to build up my immune system for 3 months before i started treatment with Sustiva (efavirenz) and Truvada (tenofovir+FTC). I have never missed a single dose of my medication but a month ago after my normal 3 months blood test the doctor told me that my viral has changed from undetectable to about 200. He took my blood sample again for a repeat test. How could this have happened to me?


Thanks for posting your question to the site and allowing us to reply online so other people can see the answer.

It is always worrying when our lab results change.

With viral load results that ‘blip’ above undetectable this can be caused by:



  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gracious,

    If you’ve just started ARVs, then yes you should see your viral load drop to 40copies ml, this should happen within the first 3 months of starting ARVs. Please see here:https://i-base.info/guides/starting

  2. Gracious

    Will the viral load be dropped from 127000 to 40 with the same medication?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Onkemetse,

    It’s possible that this is a lab error, are you able to have another viral load test done? Also how old is your baby?

  4. Onkemetse

    My viral load went from undetectable to 2000 but I haven’t missed my medicine and I am breastfeeding should I be worried.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Philisiwe,

    This is a reference to your viral load, so the amount of HIV that you have in a sample of your blood.

  6. Philisiwe

    Hi my name is phili what does it mean if they say I have 61 copies ml


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