

HTB July/August 2010 now online

In this issue we lead with reports from the 18th International AIDS Conference, which took place in Vienna in July. As we explain in our introduction, access to treatment, to which there are many barriers – including unjust legislation, donor …

Introduction to Combination Therapy – July 2010 edition

Updated guide – HIV treatment explained using everyday language.

Pipeline report 2010

Pipeline report 2010: launched at IAS conference in Vienna HIV, tuberculosis, and viral hepatitis: drugs, diagnostics, vaccines, immune-based therapies, and preventive technologies in development This year i-Base is partnering with Treatment Action Group (TAG) to produce a pipeline report on …

HTB May/June 2010 now online

The latest issue of HTB is now online. It includes over 25 reports from recent conferences including the recent BHIVA /BASHH conference in Manchester, summaries from the PK workshop in Italy (thanks to the Liverpool drug interaction report) and final …

Broad community support endorses the START study

Over 140 community organisations sign letter to US guideline panel… The following statement from a broad range of community organisations and advocates was released on 4 May 2010. It highlights the importance of the START trial to obtain the best …

Increase in LGV cases in gay men reported in the UK

A ‘late breaker’ presentation at the recent joint BHIVA/BASHH conference in Manchester  included a report of a rapid increase in the number of cases of Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) reported to the Health Protection Agency (HPA) over winter 2009/10. [1] Diagnoses …

HTB March/April: CROI reports online

The March/April 2010 issue of HIV Treatment Bulletin is now online. This issue includes our first set of reports from the 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). Read this issue online. Download PDF. A non-technical summary from CROI …

UK guidelines: infant feeding; HIV transmission and the law (2010)

Two new BHIVA guidelines are now online in draft for comment. Infant feeding in the UK: draft guidelines online for comment Legal issues on HIV transmission and the law for healthcare workers: draft guidelines online for comment Comments can be …

Flight disruptions: ARVs for HIV-positive travellers in the UK

The cancellation of air travel to and from the UK may have resulted in some HIV-positive travellers having insufficient ARVs to cover their extended stay. People in London can contact the  Chelsea and Westminster Hospital who are aware of the problem. …

CROI 2010: non-technical conference summary

A non-technical summary from the recent 17th Retrovirus conference has been produced to cover some of the most interesting studies. This supplement to the March/April issue of HIV Treatment Bulletin will also be distributed separately as a community report. Covering …

CROI 2010: webcasts and abstracts online

The 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), one of the most important annual HIV meetings, was held this year from 16-19 February. As with previous meetings, this conference publishes extensive webcasts, and these are already online. Making this scientific content …

Reports from12th EACS conference

The following reports from the 12th European AIDS Society Conference held in November 2009, Cologne are included in the January/February issue of HTB. Screening for anal cancer recommended for HIV-positive men Once-daily darunavir/r monotherapy is suboptimal as initial regimen in …

GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase)

GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase) –  enzyme involved in metabolism that is produced in the bile ducts. Any type of liver disease, heavy drinking, and some medications can increase levels of GGT.

More reports from IAS 2009

More reports from IAS 2009 held in Cape Town in July in HTB September/October 2009. Also in this issue of HTB: Raltegravir (Isentress) granted an expanded licence from the European Union Commission. Detention and removal of HIV-positive people in the …

Swine flu and HIV Q&A

We compiled the following Q&As in response to the increased number of calls and emails about swine flu. Updated: September 1 2009

Marta Marcé limited edition print supports i-Base

Created for the Vital Arts programme at Barts and the London NHS Trust.

Hepatitis C for people living with HIV (March 2009)

NOTE: This guide was updated in November 2013 and the links below are to this updated version. Read the 2013 guide online Order a free print copy Download 2009 PDF 935 Kb Update of our guide for people with HIV/HCV …

HTB South (edition for southern Africa)

Read HTB South online PDFs Subscribe – it’s free HTB-South is an edition of HIV Treatment Bulletin that focuses on research and news that has particular relevance to southern Africa countries. HTB-South is produced four times a year in partnerhip …

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