HIV and COVID-19: new publication

HIV and COVID-19: a new supplement to HIV Treatment Bulletin (HTB).

This publication reviews the latest news on COVID-19, including research that is important for care of people living with HIV.

All articles are online as html web pages. The PDF files use a single column layout that makes it easy to read each issue on tablets and other hand held devices.

HTB and HIV and COVID-19 no 8 – (14 October 2020)
Another double issue (September and October) combines HTB reports from HIV Glasgow 2020 with the supplement on COVID-19. HIV news includes pipeline drugs, weight gain, PEP guidelines and cure research. COVID-19 news includes new studies on HIV coinfection, tocilizumab, reinfections plus other news.
Contents online.(html pages)
HIV and COVID-19 no 8 – 14 Oct 2020 – 1 column – (PDF)

Previous issues

HTB and HIV and COVID-19 no 7 – (28 August 2020)
Double issue combines HTB reports from AIDS 2020 with the supplement on COVID-19. HIV news includes weight gain and integrase inhibitors, FDA and EMA announcements, video links and concern over proposal to end Public Health England (PHE). COVID-19 news includes two UK studies on HIV coinfection, treatment updates on tocilizumab and famotidine, plus vaccine news.
Contents online.(html pages)
HIV and COVID-19 no 7 – 28 August 2020 – (PDF)

HIV and COVID-19 no 6 – (22 July 2020)
This extended issue – 40 pages – combines HTB (which has first reports from the AIDS 2020 conference) with the supplement on COVID-19. Important COVID-19 news includes more studies on HIV coinfection, new drug approval (and failed studies), impact of race/ethnicity and more.
Contents online. (html pages)
HIV and COVID-19 no 6 – 22 July 2020 – (PDF)

HIV and COVID-19 no 5 – (26 June 2020)
HIV and COVID-19 coinfections including data from South Africa, dexamethasone effective in advanced COVID-19, hydroxycholoquine not effective in UK RECOVERY study, plus updates on remdesivir and other treatments…
Contents online. (html pages)
HIV and COVID-19 no 5 – 26 June 2020 (PDF)

HIV and COVID-19 no 4 – (1 June 2020)
HIV and COVID-19 coinfections, UK access to remdesivir, convalescent plasma, interferon, famotidine, tocilizumab, concern with hydroxychloroquine, UK research plus more…
Contents online (html pages)
Download: HIV and COVID-19 issue 4 (PDF)

HIV and COVID-19 no 3 – (14 May 2020)
Latest issue includes news on latest treatments, including US approval of remdesivir, plus tentative results with other drugs that reduce immune inflammation (anakinra) – perhaps as essential as antivirals – anticoagulants, ACE inhibitors. Plus latest guidelines and no effect from BCG vaccine.
Contents online (html pages)
Download: HIV and COVID-19 issue 3 (PDF)

HIV and COVID-19: no 2 – (17 April 2020)
The second supplement of HTB with more than 30 COVID-19 reports: hydroxychloroquine studies, antivirals, transmission and prevention research, online resources.
Contents online (html pages)
Download: HIV and COVID-19 issue 2 (PDF)

HIV and COVID-2019: no 1 – (27 March 2020)
This 20-page HTB supplement compiles links to articles and resources about COVID-19 including information for managing the care of HIV positive people. It includes short reviews of key studies and early guidelines.
Contents online. (html pages)
Download: HIV and COVID-19 issue 1 (PDF)

Other news and resources on COVID-19 are at: