Global Fund results continue upward trend

Global Fund Observer

The key results numbers for programmes supported by the Global Fund continue to rise. On 30 November, the Global Fund announced 2012 year-end estimates for the outcome and output numbers it tracks. [1]

The number of people receiving antiretrovirals (ARVs) is estimated at 4.2 million, an increase of 27% over the 3.3 million estimated for 2011. The year-over-year increase from 2011 to 2012 for some of the other numbers is even greater: 35% for the number of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) distributed for malaria; 46% for the number of HIV care and support services provided; and 88% for the number of HIV behavioural change communications. See Table 1 below for details.

Table: Cumulative results for programmes supported by the Global Fund to end 2012 compared with 2011
Category Results to December 2012 Results to December 2011 Year to year change
No. of people receiving ARVs 4.2 million 3.3 million + 27%
TB smear-positive cases detected and treated 9.7 million 8.6 million + 12%
No. of condoms distributed 4.2 billion 3.5 billion + 20%
No. of HIV counselling and testing sessions 250 million 190 million + 32%
No. of malaria ITNs distributed 310 million 230 million + 35%
HIV behavioural change communications 300 million 160 million + 88%
No. of women receiving PMTCT treatment 1.7 million 1.3 million + 30%
Services to most-at-risk populations 30 million 23 million + 30%
HIV care and support services provided 19 million 13 million +46%

The announcement from the Global Fund did not include an estimate of lives saved through Fund-supported programmes. In July, the Fund estimated that the programmes it supports had saved 8.7 million lives through the end of June 2012.

The results numbers have been rising steadily and rapidly for several years. Given that fewer new grants have been awarded in the last couple of years (compared to previous years), one might expect that the large increases in the year-over-year results would start to diminish. That they have not yet started to go down is probably due to the fact that there are a large number of active grants, many of which have only recently entered their second phases.


  1. Global Fund press release. Global Fund support extends antiretroviral treatment to 4.2 million people. (29 November 2012).
  2. Aidspan. More people than ever before on ART; cost of treatment continues to decline. (25 July 2012).

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