AIDS 2020: virtual content now available free and on-demand

IAS press release

The AIDS 2020 website is now open access for all sessions from the 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020: Virtual).

This includes:

  • 12 prime sessions spotlighting abstracts on advancements in HIV prevention, treatment and the search for a cure.
  • 70+ satellite sessions organised by IAS and global partners covering topics from mental health and HIV to global targets as well as experiences of transgender communities.
  • 100+ on-demand sessions, including symposia and abstract-driven sessions on diverse subjects including decriminalisation of HIV, gender identity, ageing with HIV and women-powered solutions.
  • 10 pre-conferences including the IAS Towards an HIV Cure pre-conference, the Latina Forum in HIV and a number of events exploring the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV programmes and research.
  • 1800+ e-Posters spanning biomedical, policy and programme insights.
  • Global Village sessions exploring the experiences of young peoplesex workers, rural women, and the next generation of HIV researchers, among other communities.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.