Joint BHIVA/BASHH Spring Conference 2021

19 – 21 April 2021


This year the BHIVA spring conference was jointly organised with BASHH and held as a three-day virtual meeting.

As usual, the programme was abstract driven and also supported by more than 180 posters.

The response to COVID-19 was a main theme, including two important oral presentations reporting that HIV was independently associated with more serious outcomes, plus dozens of other studies looking at the impact of both the virus and lock down over the last year.

Although access to conference materials, including webcasts and PDF posters are currently restricted to delegates, everything will become open access by mid-May, four weeks after the meeting.

The abstract book is available here (PDF draft). This link will be updated when the formatted file is be posted to the BHIVA website later this week.

The following reports are included this issue of HTB.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.