11th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2021)

18 – 21 July 2021


The 11th IAS Conference on HIV Science held from 18 – 21 July 2021 was organised as a virtual meeting, though originally due to be held in Berlin.

These biennial meetings usually include more than 5,000 delegates and alternate with the larger IAS World AIDS Conferences.

The programme is already posted online to one IAS website the with open access already available for the abstracts. This portal includes a search engine that includes URLs for each study.

The conference format has adapted to a virtual format by reducing the number of oral abstract to three and including plenty of time for live questions and discussion afterwards. This makes it much easier to focus in more depth on the most important studies.

Unfortunately, the open access programme doesn’t link to a second stand-alone conference use to host webcasts, posters and other resources.

This second website uses a different portal that restricts access to registered delegates, at least while the conference is running. This website doesn’t provide URLs to presentations or abstracts. PDF versions of posters are not currently available, although this might change in the future.

As with all IAS conferences, there are many related workshops before and during the conference, including on paediatric care and cure related research. Access to many of the satellite meetings is restricted to healthcare professionals.

This year the conference has a strong programme including research on PrEP, new HIV drugs for treatment, cure-related research, paediatrics and COVID-19. Many of the session cover healthcare for key populations.

Short rapporteur summaries for key sessions are available as open access at the end of each day.

Early reports in HTB will be added below.

This page was first posted on 17 July 2021 and is updated as new reports are added.


Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.