9th International Workshop on HIV and Ageing
19 October 2018. Related: Conference reports, Weight, diabetes, metabolic complications, Coinfections and complications, HIV and Ageing 2018, Conference index.
This year the annual Workshop on HIV and Ageing was held in New York from 13 – 14 September.
Although i-Base were unfortunately not able to attend the meeting we include four reports from NATAP.org which has been the leading organisation raising the importance of HIV and ageing.
Many of the materials from the workshop are available online.
NATAP coverage
More than 40 reports and conference slides are also posted to the NATAP website:
Reports in this issue of HTB are:
- Detectable viral load quadruples odds of recurrent falls in older men with HIV
- More than 40% of HIV group has hepatic steatosis, regardless of age
- Associations of loneliness with cognitive function and quality of life (QoL) among older adults living with HIV – 18% lonely quite often
- Physical function worse in older women than men with HIV, despite better CD4 recovery