December 2009
Volume 10 Number 11/12 November/December 2009
Treatment alerts
Tibotec issues Dear Doctor letter in Europe concerning severe etravirine reactions: three case reports
Conference reports
12th European AIDS Society Conference (EACS) 11-14 November 2009, Cologne
EACS releases three updated management guidelines (December 2009)
11th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Comorbidities in HIV (IWADR) 26-28 October 2009, Philadelphia
Intermuscular tissue is decreased in HIV infection
High incidence and risk factors for diabetes in French cohort
Gender and race differences in lipodystrophy symptoms
Lipodystrophy is common in children from three European cohorts
Visceral adipose tissue returns to baseline after stopping therapeutic intervention with rHGH
Reduced levels of vitamin D in patients taking efavirenz
Association between inflammation and sleep apnea in the MACS cohort
Sports supplements impact on serum creatinine and eGFR markers of renal function
9th AIDS Vaccine Conference 19-22 October 2009, Paris
Thai HIV Vaccine Trial results presented and published
49th International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), 12-15 September 2009, San Francisco
Smoking masks the long-term benefits of HAART on lung function
Recent ARVs and the blood/brain barrier: CSF drug concentrations of darunavir/r and raltegravir
Raltegravir body composition study: 48-week DEXA results
Alcohol and marijuana may reduce drug levels of atazanavir and efavirenz
Other drug interaction studies at ICAAC
5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, 19-23 July 2009, Cape Town
Early infant diagnosis
Difficulties with implementation
Infant outcomes
Improved neurodevelopmental outcomes
Treating children exposed to single dose nevirapine for PMTCT
Using a nevirapine-containing fixed dose combination in the CHAPAS trial
Once a day lamivudine and abacavir, and abacavir hypersensitivity in the ARROW trial
GSK and Pfizer launch joint HIV collaboration
Treatment access
AIDS and mortality in South Africa
Punishing success in tackling AIDS: funders retreat could wipe out health gains in HIV affected countries
FDA approval of generic ARVs
Paediatric care
HIV, the brain and children
PK and drug interactions
Reduced etravirine levels after direct switch from efavirenz
Gemfibrozil significantly reduced by lopinavir/r
Basic science and immunology
Aging, HIV infection and the immune system
New neutralising antibodies discovered
The end of the line for IL-2
Drug resistance
Rate of accumulation of TAMS slow in patients continuing on failing AZT or d4T containing regimens
Other news
President Obama announces end to HIV-positive immigration ban in the US
On the web
BHIVA Autumn Conference and CHIVA Parallel Sessions
5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention abstracts
WHO meeting: the impact of ARV treatment on prevention
JAIDS Supplement: HIV scale-up and global health systems
Returned to risk: deportation of HIV-positive migrants
UK patient survey: you, your GP and HIV
PLoS Medicine November 2009
Volume 10 Number 11/12 November/December PDF
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CROI 2025: Jay Bhattacharya is proposed to head the US NIH which would further wreck global science
7 March 2025
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Global update: 90-day review ended early and cancelled 10,000 grants, millions of people will suffer
1 March 2025
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