October 2016
September/October 2016: Volume 17 Number 9/10
Conference reports
18th International Workshop on Comorbidities, 12-13 September, New York, USA
Fanconi-like lab abnormalities reported with daily PrEP: shows importance of routine kidney monitoring
Bone loss with PrEP in MSM aged 18-24
Neurological side effects with integrase inhibitors cause low rates of discontinuation in clinical practice
Atripla three days a week for two years: pilot switch study reports undetectable viral load with better bone, kidneys and sleep
Raltegravir increases waist circumference more than boosted PIs: greater with use of later ART
Exercise associated with significantly reduced risk of serious health problems and higher CD4 counts in large multicentre US study
21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016), 18-22 July 2016, Durban, South Africa
Four day a week ART: sub-optimal drug levels but few virological failures
Large disparities in costs of antiretrovirals between low- and middle-income countries
High risk of virological failure and loss to follow up postpartum in South Africa
Birth weight and preterm delivery outcomes of vertically vs non-vertically infected HIV positive pregnant women
High death rates among HIV positive women postpartum accessing ARVs
Higher rates of eye complications in HIV positive people on ART
Short reports on selected Durban posters
Global HIV Clinical Forum: Integrase Inhibitors, 16 July 2016, Durban
Raltegravir-based third-line ART in children and adolescents
8th International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics, 15-16 July 2016. Durban, South Africa
Raltegravir in HIV-exposed neonates
Virological response without routine viral load monitoring in children: results from the ARROW trial
Tenofovir-containing ART reduces bone mineral density in breast feeding women: results from IMPAACT P1084s
First generic TDF/FTC approved in EU
Single-pill PI-based combination submitted to EMA
Dolutegravir superior to standard dose efavirenz in WHO analysis
Treatment access
First generic version of dolutegravir approved by the FDA
Brazil to start using dolutegravir first-line in its national programme
Global Fund to reach US $13 billion target for 2017-2019: UK pledges up to $1.3 billion
US DHHS guidelines updated (July 2016)
HIV prevention and transmission
PrEP update: EU approval, extended access for PROUD participants, TAF studies underway
Cure-related research
HIV persistence: defective virus copies accumulate rapidly after infection
On the web
Conference materials and online publications
September/October 2016: Volume 17 Number 9/10
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