Dear doctor, nurse, pharmacist, health advisor…

i-Base has been producing resources with and for healthcare workers since 2000.

All publications are free.

HIV Treatment Bulletin

“HTB is my Bible.” (UK doctor and HTB reader)

Conference reportsguideline updates, safety alerts, online resources. Published continuously as “ahead-of-print” and in compiled format every two months online and in PDF. Essential reading.

Free resources for your clinic

i-Base publish a range of non-technical publications for people living with HIV.

These are free to order in bulk for all UK clinics.

The treatment guides are updated regulalry. The treatment passport and adherence pads were developed with the UK HIV pharmacist group and the Royal Free Centre for HIV Medicine.

Clinic resources

A set of PDF templates for useful clinic and patient record forms.


Guidelines, journals, online calculators, medical meetings, professional organisations.

Last updated: 2 August 2023.