
Will very early treatment reduce latent infection?

Hi there

I was diagnosed on in July 2009 while I was on PEP!

I was tested negative in May 2009 and went on PEP following a bad night out which has changed my life forever. At the time of diagnosis, my CD4 was 750 and went from to 595 and then 495 by August. My viral load was 3000 at diagnosis and 8000 in August.

I chose to go on meds early as all emerging research is pointing towards early treatment as a path towards HIV eradication in addition to having other benefits such as preserved immune system etc. Also, Anthony Fauci has hypothesised that with early treatment, eradication maybe possible, considering the potency of existing ARV. I am on daruavir/ritonavir and Truvada. My viral load was undetectable within 10 days of meds and my CD4 count is now 895.

I am curious to know if we are getting closer to a cure? I know you don


Thank you for your questions.



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