Q and A


Will switching from Tribuss to Trivenz give me efavirenz side effects again?

My medical aid want to change my ARV supply from Tribuss to Trivenz because it is cheaper.

I was diagnosed a year ago and was put on tribuss ever since. The only problems I had with tribuss was when I took it for the first time, I went through a lot of side effects and I am just afraid that I will have to go through the same experience when changing medications.

Tribuss also brought my life back to normality after a very serious illness that is the reason I do not want to agree with this decision.

I also want to send my thanks from South Africa for all the good advice.



Thanks for your question.

Your health team are giving you good advice and there is no risk from switching.

Both Tribuss and Trivenz are generic formulations of Atripla. They contain the same active medicines in the same proportions. They are all equally good at treating HIV and they all have similar side effects.

Switching from one manufacturer to another should not mean you get the initial side effect again.

In the UK, generic ARVs are used if they save the health service money. Approximately 70-80% of all prescriptions in the NHS in the UK are for generic meds.

Thanks also for the nice feedback which is appreciated. We also have an online feedback form.

Hearing how the service works is really important for us.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anonymous,

    Trivenz and Tribuss are both generic versions of Atripla. What this means is that they contain the same compounds. For more info, please see here:


  2. Anonymous

    Hie there I have started taking trivenz for a month now but when I went to the doctor for the second time today they didn’t have it in stock at the hospital so they gave me tribuss is it ok .please help iam worried.

  3. slie

    in my case I went through the side effects for about a month after starting treatment. I had a lot of dizziness. I tried to stay active as possible during the dizziness.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Simanga,

    Trivenz is a generic version of Atripla, it contains emtricitabine 200mg, tenofovir DF 300mg and efavirenz, 600mg. Therefore it’s slightly different to what you’ve been taking. How are you doing with it?

  5. simanga

    I’ve been on tenofovir,lamividine ,efavirenz my meds finished went to the pharmacy they gave me trivenz ..are these tablets the same?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nontando,

    The swelling may be due to the Trivenz, however this isn’t a common side effect. If the swelling went when you were on prednisione, then you need to talk to your doctor about this.

    With regards to the dry skin, you may need to see a skin specialist. There is though some info here that may help:


  7. Nontando

    Hi was diagnosed HIV+ in 2013 and started on Trivenz in 2014 with a CD4 count of 235 now my CD4 count is above 1000 and my viral load is below detection level, but my problem is I have painful feet and arms they itch a lot and when I scratch they swell and become numb for hours. Went to the DR who gave me prednisone was fine while taking it now it’s finished and the problem is coming back. My main problem now is even if I didn’t scratch I get swollen this morning woke up with a swollen upper lip. What is wrong with me. Is it my medication ? Does it also cause dry skin cause that is my other problem?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Violet,

    Did you have any side effects in the first month? Have you changed how you take your meds?
    If its really bad, then you may need to change meds. For this, you will need to talk to your doctor.

  9. violet

    I started taking trivenz a month ago and now I’m experiencing dizziness to a point where I can’t do anything except sleep. This side effect started three days ago.

    How long is it going to go on like this and how can I make the dizziness go away.

  10. Lisa Thorley


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