Q and A


How do weight loss tablets interact with ARVs?

Hi there again.

I wonder if you could give me some advice on side-effects.

I have recently purchased ALLI slimming tablets as I am really struggling to lose weight. I swim 30-50 lengths 3 times a week and eat fairly healthy with the odd curry every now and then and drink only on a Saturday, which I consider normal.

I am 36 years old, 5ft 7 inches tall, weigh 12 stone and have a BMI of 26.1, so I


Thank you for your question.

I understand how frustrating it can feel to eat healthily and exercise without loosing weight. However, whilst Alli has been shown to be effective at small weight loss in conjunction with a balanced diet, it may not be right for everyone.

Alli is from the trade name for a drug called orlistat. It works by preventing the fats in your diet from being absorbed, and they are passed though you unabsorbed (hence side effects of wind (flatulence), diarrhoea and messy underwear.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi, most people gain weight during the first 6 months of HIV treatment. If you are worried about your weight, ask your doctor whether this is still normal or if this is something you need to be worried about changing.

  2. BUHLE

    I would like to loose weight it seems impossible because i get hungry now and then Iam on art ,Iam 42 years

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Innovate,
    Generally the best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. There is info about a diet and healthy lifestyle here. You should also speak to your doctor if you want to lose weight so you can get help doing this in a safe and healthy way.

  4. innovate

    i seriously need to lose weight how can i go about it while on arvs?

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Zethu,
    Please speak to your doctor before taking duromine (phentermine). This should only be used under medical recommendation as it is associated with a risk of dangerous side effects including very high blood pressure and heart palpitations.

    Your doctor will be able to check whether there are interactions between duromine and your ARVs.

  6. Zethu

    Im 26 yrs im on tenofavir,lamivudine,and efavirens is it possible to loose weight with duromine im so worried about my weight its too much help plse reply

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nono,
    Although it’s normal to gain a bit of weight when you start treatment you should speak to your doctor if you are worried about this. S/he should be able to suggest a safe and effective weight loss plan for you. You can also read about diet and exercise in our online guide.

  8. Nono

    I am on ARV treatment which I take ATRIPLA only at night, but I’m gaining weight in a abnormal way. I’m 40 yrs and weigh 110kg.

    Can you please let me know as to what kind of diet I should take.

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Debra,
    Please speak to your doctor before taking duromine (phentermine). This should only be used under medical recommendation as it is associated with a risk of dangerous side effects including very high blood pressure and heart palpitations.

    Your doctor will be able to check whether there are interactions between duromine and your ARVs.

  10. Debra

    Hi,is it safe for me to use duromine while on arv which I take only once @ night.overweight and frustated.


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