Q and A


How do weight loss tablets interact with ARVs?

Hi there again.

I wonder if you could give me some advice on side-effects.

I have recently purchased ALLI slimming tablets as I am really struggling to lose weight. I swim 30-50 lengths 3 times a week and eat fairly healthy with the odd curry every now and then and drink only on a Saturday, which I consider normal.

I am 36 years old, 5ft 7 inches tall, weigh 12 stone and have a BMI of 26.1, so I


Thank you for your question.

I understand how frustrating it can feel to eat healthily and exercise without loosing weight. However, whilst Alli has been shown to be effective at small weight loss in conjunction with a balanced diet, it may not be right for everyone.

Alli is from the trade name for a drug called orlistat. It works by preventing the fats in your diet from being absorbed, and they are passed though you unabsorbed (hence side effects of wind (flatulence), diarrhoea and messy underwear.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vuvu,

    The answer to your question can be found here:


  2. Vuvu

    I am HIV positive and using herbal life and going to gym atleat three times a week. Is it safe for me to use Herbal life together with my ARV’s?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Sbosj, I am sorry but I don’t know what you mean by a 9 day diet?

    In general, diet advice fro HIV positive people is the same as for HIV negative people.

    If you are trying to lose weight, then aiming for steady changes is best than any sort of crash diet. Moving to a nutritioal balanced diet, easting slightly less and exercising slightly more is a better way to lose weight.

    If your eds need to be taken with food, this is important to do.

  4. sbosj

    Can an hiv positive person take forever living 9day diet with arvs to lose weight or will it interfere with the treatment

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Sphy,
    It is fine to go on a diet when you are on ARVs, so long as you are not starving yourself. Lemon juice should have no interactions with your ARVs. Your doctor should also be able to give you advice and information about how to lose weight safely.

  6. sphy

    Hy matshidiso I’m 26 yrz n my weight Is 92 kg n also on arv’s will drinking lemon juice to loss weight b a problem n goin on diet don’t help me.

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Lee,
    Duromine should only be used when proscribed by a doctor. This is because it can cause raised blood pressure, heart palpatations and may be addictive. It is important to discuss this with your doctor. S/he will also be able to tell you whether it is safe to use this treatment with your ARVs. S/he should also be able to help you look at improving your diet and exercise routine to help aid weight loss. There is more information about this here on our website.

  8. Lee

    I’m struggling to loose weight and am thinking of taking Duromine but was told its not safe if you are on ARVs as it has a lot of interactions, how thrue can this be BMI on 88 ,weighing 82 kg and 1.6 height pls help I need to know if I can use Duromine slimming tablet as I’ve seen it results but am worrying if it won’t interact with my medication.

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Matshidiso,
    So long as you are following any food recommendations to do with your ARVs being on a diet shouldn’t affect your viral load. Some ARVs need to be taken with food so it is important to check this.

    If you are trying to lose weight your doctor may be able to help with this.There is also information about diet and exercise in our guide to HIV and your quality of life.

  10. Matshidiso

    I am struggling to loosing weight, om 33 and weigh 92kg.
    i have resolted to eating only brakfast and supper and be on liquids during the day. will this affect my viral load


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