Q and A


How do weight loss tablets interact with ARVs?

Hi there again.

I wonder if you could give me some advice on side-effects.

I have recently purchased ALLI slimming tablets as I am really struggling to lose weight. I swim 30-50 lengths 3 times a week and eat fairly healthy with the odd curry every now and then and drink only on a Saturday, which I consider normal.

I am 36 years old, 5ft 7 inches tall, weigh 12 stone and have a BMI of 26.1, so I


Thank you for your question.

I understand how frustrating it can feel to eat healthily and exercise without loosing weight. However, whilst Alli has been shown to be effective at small weight loss in conjunction with a balanced diet, it may not be right for everyone.

Alli is from the trade name for a drug called orlistat. It works by preventing the fats in your diet from being absorbed, and they are passed though you unabsorbed (hence side effects of wind (flatulence), diarrhoea and messy underwear.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Buhle,

    What was your weight before you were pregnant? What is your mother feeding your baby?

  2. Buhle

    Hi there
    Im a mother leaving with HIV and I recently had a baby,he’s 4 months now and did he’s 1st test when he was born and tested again just before he was 3 months still negative,not breastfeeding just giving him formula but now my mom is feeding him “she believes that he’s not getting full because he’s crying at night” I’m sick scared that he’s status might change in his next test,is this possible? However my family isn’t aware of my status and not ready to disclose,and the other thing I’ve lost a lot of weight after giving birth and still loosing,before birth I was weighing 88 then after birth I went down to 75 now I’m 54,like every week when I check I’m loosing about 3 to 5kg…..what boosters can I use to gain a bit?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Shanty,
    Making tea from cinnamon and honey sounds tasty. But as Charlotte says here on a similar question, there are some herbal remedies for certain things, but these are all based on anecdotal evidence rather than science. Some herbs interact with some ARVs so it’s good to check here before you start to take them.
    If you are having weight problems you need to talk to your HIV doctor about them.

  4. Shanty

    Am positive, and on ARV’s,can I drink cinnamon and honey solutions for belly fat,without any side effect

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gertrude,

    Weight loss can be due to a number of things, one of which is stress and diet. How much weight have you lost and over what time? What’s your CD4 count?

  6. Gertrude

    I’m HIV and losing wait and this makes me uncomfortable cause my clothes are too loose to me.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dave,

    The best way to lose weight is by exercise and having a good balanced diet. Weight loss produts are usually a fad, and when stopped the weight will go back.

  8. Dave

    I’m positive and on ARV’s…I want to lose belly fat is it save for me to use weight lose products. It’s something like shake or meal replacement ??Isalean shake

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Relda, It’s a good idea to tell your doctor if your are taking any herbal drinks. Some supplements can interact with ARVs. Using more than one approach including diet and exercise might help. You can read more about this here.

  10. Relda

    I’m positive and on ARV’s…I want to lose belly fat is it save for me to use belly fat products. It’s something like tea??


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