Q and A


How do weight loss tablets interact with ARVs?

Hi there again.

I wonder if you could give me some advice on side-effects.

I have recently purchased ALLI slimming tablets as I am really struggling to lose weight. I swim 30-50 lengths 3 times a week and eat fairly healthy with the odd curry every now and then and drink only on a Saturday, which I consider normal.

I am 36 years old, 5ft 7 inches tall, weigh 12 stone and have a BMI of 26.1, so I


Thank you for your question.

I understand how frustrating it can feel to eat healthily and exercise without loosing weight. However, whilst Alli has been shown to be effective at small weight loss in conjunction with a balanced diet, it may not be right for everyone.

Alli is from the trade name for a drug called orlistat. It works by preventing the fats in your diet from being absorbed, and they are passed though you unabsorbed (hence side effects of wind (flatulence), diarrhoea and messy underwear.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thandol,

    It’s a good idea to check with your clinic if you plan to take any herbs or supplements with your ARVs. That’s because some supplements can interact with them.

    It’s great that you’re going to join a gym. That’s a great way to lose weight and keep healthy. But also please see this guide to a balanced diet and your health. There’s lots of info about carbs, protein, fat, fibre, vitamins, minerals and water. This can help you to acheive your target weight.

    But please talk to your doctor about gaining weight. Weight gain can be a side effect of some ARVs.

  2. ThandoL

    Hey I’ve purchased perfect slimming nut product and would like to know if is it safe to use while taking ARVs cause I’ve gained so much weight and wana lose some kilos before I join the gym

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Betty,

    What ARVs are you taking? What is your life style like, so do you exercise, do you eat a healthy and balanced diet?

    Also, what has your doctor said about this? Unless this is something you like, changes in your body shape can be very difficult. Sometimes a different HIV combination might help.

  4. Betty

    Hello I’m Betty i have been taking arv for two years now when i started i was wearing size 40 now I am wearing 46my stomach is big my breast how do i reduce that?

  5. Lisa Thorley
  6. Keedi

    Can i take orlistat with my ARVs(trivenz)

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Linda,

    Where you underweight before you started medication? What was your CD4 count? Do you exercise and have a good diet? I’m asking as with modern day ARVs it isn’t common to gain 10kilos in 8 months.

  8. Linda

    I’m 28years I’ve been taking arvs for 8month but I’ve gained 10klgms than usual my body is full of stretch mark. How can I get back to my normal klgs because I feel uncomfortable that people will notice that am hiv positive and you know how uncomfortable it can be.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Arinao,

    There is no reason why you shouldn’t continue bodybuilding. Your body should be able to gain muscle in the same way as it has before. Being HIV positive should not limit you at all. Exercising and keeping healthy is very good for your body’s immune system.

    If you take any supplements to build muscles such as steroids then you should mention this to your HIV doctor because some HIV treatments interact with steroids and other supplements.

  10. Arinao

    Hi can i use gym supplements while am on ARVs, and what makes me lose weight since started ARVs


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