Q and A


Why have i been changed from Atroiza to Tribuss?

My clinic just changed me from Tribuss to Atroiza. What is the problem? Will i get side effects?



Tribuss and Atroiza are both generic versions (copies) of a pill called Atripla. They all contain the same ingredients and work in the same way. They only have different names because they are made by different companies.

Because they both contain the same ingredients you should not get any new side effects.

You can find more information about Atripla/Atroiza/Tribuss in our online HIV meds guide.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Odwa,

    Atripla and the generic versions of it are used by millions of people, so yes it’s safe. Sulphur isn’t in Atripla, so unless your doctor advises otherwise, then you should be OK with Atripla.

  2. Odwa

    Can I take Atripla if im allergic to Sulphur. Secondly I once took Nevarapine,Lamzid and bactroban then after few months I stopped now my doctor recommended Atripla .Is it Safe

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Valencia,

    Yes, Atroiza is a generic version of Atripla. There are three ARVs in this pill. They are efavirenz, tenofovir DF and FTC.

  4. valencia

    is Atroiza an ARV Pill

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dee,

    Other than the nevirapine, what else have you been given? Have you had any issues with the tribuss?

  6. Dee

    Why have I been changed from tribuss to nevirapine!

    From Dee

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zet,

    If you are on ARVs and you’ve had an undetectable viral load for several months you cannot transmit HIV if you don’t use a condom. Undetectable = Untransmittable, please see this Q&A for more info on U=U.

  8. Zet

    If you sleep with someone with out condom and you on ARV’s is that person 100% affected?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi P,

    What supplements do you use when you run marathons?

  10. P

    I have recently been diagnosed.I am initiated on Atroiza.I am a marathon runner and I use energy boosters during my runs.Are they not going to cause any problems with my ARV treatment?


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