Q and A


What are D100 tablets and isoniazid used for?

What are pink big tablets marked D100 and Winthrop Isoniazid 300 mg used for?



Isoniazid is often used as a protective treatment to reduce the risk of TB.

D100 might be a medicine called doxycycline, which is a drug used to treatment many different things.

Please ask your doctor or pharmacist to talk about this. These people will help you understand your medicine and what it is being used for.


  1. zee

    how do I tell my boyfriend that am positive. without him leaving me as he’s not positive. and he wants a baby

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ayobaaa,

    If you want to control your HIV you will need to take ARVs. This is because only ARVs work against HIV. Do you know what your CD4 count is?

  3. Ayobaaaa

    Am strss about this am not ready to eat ARVs since 2003 bcz am not sick now i need help i need burster beside ARV plz help

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mpumi,

    Please see the above post, and also discuss this with your doctor. They will be able to tell you why you’ve now been given this other medication.

  5. mpumi

    Hi I’ve taken ARV’s since February 2016 then last week friday they give me Isoniazid and Pyridoxine but am not coughing what the use of it?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ziyaduma,

    When someone starts ARVs with a low CD4 count, it can take some time for it to rise. The meds are working though because your viral load is now undetectable. This is important for your health.

    Other then the HIV have you had any other health problems? Also because you started meds with a CD4 of 40, you should follow the advise in this link:


    Other than meds, there isn’t really anything else that you can do to boost your immune system.

  7. Ziyaduma

    i was diagnosed in Jan 2017 that am HIV + the viral load was more than 10 000 if am not mistaken and since then I’ve been taking ARVs, Multivitamin, Purbac & Winthrop and now the viral load is below 40 but the CD4 is just 56 from 40 since being diagnosed. what i should i do to boost/my immune system.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kate,

    Isoniazad is used as a protective treatment to reduce the risk of TB. How long a person has to take it for will vary. Therefore, please ask your doctor.

  9. kate

    Hi I’ve been taking ARVs since October 2016. Last week Thursday, I had a cough. Today at the clinic they gave me winthrop isoniazid. How long will I take them?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vovo,

    What’s your CD4 count? And are you on meds?

    If you’re nurse has told you to stop taking winthrop insonaizid, there must be a good reason for this.


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