Q and A


How do i know that i am getting the right care?

I live in South Africa, how do know that i am getting treated the way i’m supposed too?



Most countries, including South Africa, have national treatment guidelines. These are documents that say how a people with HIV should be cared for. They usually cover many things including when to start on what medication.

The South African HIV guidelines can be accessed online.

There are also international guidelines. These are written by the World Health Organisation (WHO). WHO is part of the United Nations.

You can also find WHO HIV treatment guidelines on their website.

If you feel that you are not getting the right treatment you should speak to your clinic and show them the national guidelines. If this doesn’t work you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC). TAC is an organisation that works on HIV treatment advocacy in South Africa.

Treatment Action Campaign contact details can be found on their website.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Emmanuel,

    Your question has been answered here:

    Please get in touch if you need more information.

    Best wishes, Roy

  2. emmanuel

    I am a patient with HIV and TB at a clinic near Johannesburg. We are advised to eat healthy foods, and take the medications the same time daily. But our next booked dates are not negotiable with doctors or nurses at the clinic. Sometimes we are booked twice in one month – on 2 different dates. This hampers our jobs. Often you must take leave just to collect your meds. You also have responsibilities to earn a living to buy the healthy food your family needs. But you might end up defaulting on treatment because you can’t take time off work for the clinic. Then you have the risk of drug resistance.


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