
Will “immune boosters” help my CD4 count?

My friend is also on HIV treatment is taking some immune boosters he bought. Would these help my CD4 count too?



HIV treatment (ART) is the only thing that will help make sure your CD4 count goes up or stays stable.

Both you and your friend should be careful about any product that is branded or sold as an ‘immune booster’.

These and other supplements will do nothing to help your CD4 count. As the ingredients are usually unknown, they could potentially be harmful. The advertising is at best misleading and at worst is likely to be lying to scam you out of your money.

Herbs and supplements can also interact with your HIV meds and stop the medicine from working properly.

Before starting ART tell your doctor and pharmacist about any other drugs, medicines or supplements that you are taking.

This online resoure is a really useful way to check for drug interactions.


  1. Temby


    I’ve just been diagnosed with hiv today. Can someone explain where to from here. Like im still shocked and confused. There’s a lot going on in my mind. I haven’t even told anyone about it yet. How does one gey through this stage?? I have a six year old daughter. I keep on looking at her womdering, should i die what will happen to her????

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tenkhosi,

    The only way that a person can control their HIV is by taking ARVs. If you’re already doing this, then that’s great. You don’t need herbs as they won’t do anything. For how to live well with HIV, please see here:

  3. Tenkhosi

    Hi how can I boost my CD4 count , do I use some Herbs if I take the ARVs, Or what food do I eat to booster Am in Swaziland I started 17-jan-2018. My cd4 is 268 now n I have pain in my heart please I really want to live a long life with my arvs help me

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lisbert,
    I’m sorry your Mom is not well. But did the clinic take some blood for tests? Everyone needs to have blood tests before starting on meds. That’s so that the clinic can give your Mom the meds that will suit her as an individual when she goes back to the clinic. If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign. They have been working since 1998 for access to HIV treatment.

  5. Lisbert

    I just found out my mom is HIV positive, she is really sick getting weak by a day and losing weight but this could be because of loss of appetite, she went to the clinic and told to come back on Tuesday the 3rd, will she gets help she needs to start on meds,and what to do to help her

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kungeka,

    The only thing that can control a persons HIV is ART. If your CD4 is falling then it may be time for you to start. Is there any reason why you don’t want to take ARVs? If you’d like some info about ART please let us know.

  7. Kungeka

    I’ve bn living with hiv for 15 yrs now by march I’m gonna turn 16 but i’m not on Art yet since all these yrs but now my cd4 dropped from 719 to 500 and something so i’m still deciding to start so that is why I was looking for something else like boosters

  8. Palesa

    My dear, first and foremost, u need to be around people who love you and can give u all the support. That is family.
    They will help see to it that you take your meds at a right time at all times with proper meals, your doesn’t even have to be anything fancy but balanced.
    12 years back, I started with a 4 cd4 but had the right people on my side. At this stage, for me, it is not adviceable for you to be leaving alone. While still at it, you are not alone, out there, there’s a lot of us carrying the decease so please eat well and take your meds properly. Above all, stop thinking what people are saying about you and concentrate on your well being
    Folic acid 5mg pill can help a lot as a suppliment.
    I hope this will help.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Jasom

    Your comment cover several things.

    First, it is good that you were diagnosed before your CD4 count dropped any lower.

    Now that you are on treatment, your CD4 count should slowly get stronger. This might take time though – perhaps needing a year to get up to 100, but this is all normal and good.

    Although it is important to eat well, only HIV meds can increase your CD4 count.

    What does your doctor say about the diarrhoea. Does he or she know how bad this is?

    The diarrhoea might be due to an infection related to your low CD4 count. So this might imporave as your count gets stronger. Your doctor should try to find out the cause. The docto should also talk about medicines for the diarrhoea that might help until it gets better.

    Also tell you doctor about the noises. These might be related to your diet and the diarrhoea.

    It is okay to think about different things – and also to day dream – but I wondered what meds you are taking? This is because one HIV medicine called efavirenz can affect your mood. I wondered whether this might be a side effect of efavirenz, if this is in your combination.

    Finally, I don’t know which country you live in, so this information is about how your symptoms might be treated in the UK.

    Please let me know if you have other questions.

  10. Jasom


    I’m hiv positive and have a CD4 count of 24. I just started treatment but my nutrition is poor.

    My stomach is always making noises and I have had non stop diarrhoea for about 4 months now. how can I stop this and boost my CD4 cells?

    I have problem thinking, not bcos I’m stressed, but I spend of the time alone and find myself thinking, fantasizing and even day dreaming.

    Please help.

    thank u.


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