Q and A


Which foods increase CD4 count?

I want to increase my CD4 count. Which foods should i eat to do this?



A healthy balanced diet is important for everyone, especially people with HIV.

However HIV treatment is the only thing that will reliably increase your CD4 count. This will slowly start to happen after you start treatment, if you have not already.

You can have a look at this online guide for information about HIV and nutrition.

And our online guide with information about HIV treatment.


  1. Lebo

    I am on my 3rd month of arv meds n i hav a terrible enxiatty n pannick over small things… which increases my stress.i hav been booked off sick 4 a week n being put on stresam meds but they are not helping… what can i do because i need to still work n this is affecting my work??? I hav lost a lot of weight n my appetite is not there… how long will this last?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anonymous,

    1: ARVs and ART are the same thing, its just a different way of saying medication for HIV.
    2: ARVs are very effective. They are able to control a persons HIV. Its not possible to say if a person will experience side effects, some people do, whereas other don’t. This can be at times dependent on the type of ARVs that people take.
    3: People who are positive don’t need to have specialist diets. They like negative people need to have a diet that is balanced. With regards to weight gain, this will need to be discussed with a doctor.

    You’ve mentioned that your friends CD4 count is 170. Though this may seem low, people are often diagnosed with CD4’s in single figures. As long as your friend starts ARVs, her CD4 count will rise.

    Your friend may wish to avoid Ayurvedic medicines, these could have potential interactions with ARVs.

    TB meds can be given at the same time as ARVs.

  3. Ananymous

    A very close friend(female) of mine recently was diagnosed with HIV+.
    Her CD4 count is approx 170 and is getting sick very frequently.
    They are yet to give the sputum test reports. If she has TB, she will be given cure to TB first. Only then ARV treatment.
    Also, weight loss is there a little. In a month lost 4 KGs. Not sure whether it is because of stress in getting to know that she has HIV.

    Also she is undergoing Ayurvedic medicines which suggests avoiding food such as chicken, meat and dairy products which allopathy suggests.

    I am in need of answers to 3 questions. Please help on clarifying the below,
    What kind of diet needs to be followed to boost weight and immunity?
    How efficient is ARV treatment and will there be side effects?
    Is ART and ARV same?


  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Fifi,

    Atrozia and Atenef are both generic versions of Atripla. They contain the same compounds. You only need to take one tablet a day. Its recommended to take this type of ARV at night. Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/1561

  5. Fifi

    Hi guys is it possible to take atroiza at night and atenef in the morning? Is it not the same thing?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mr Long,

    Your CD4 count won’t be affected by your drinking. However, your liver might. This could cause you problems down the line. Also if you have issues with alcohol this could affect when you take your medication. So you may forget. Are you able to get some help?

  7. Mr. Long

    I’m on ART and my Cd4 count is 304. I am also an alcoholic, is there any chance that my alcoholism will interfere in increasing or decreasing mu Cd4 count. So far there is no side-effects or any other illness. I would be grateful if someone can enlighten me. Thank you.

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mokgopa,

    I’ve just answered your earlier comment here: http://i-base.info/qa/6204

    But it’s good to know that you are taking Purbac because that’s the kind of antibiotic I was talking about.

    Please let us know the answers to the questions I asked earlier.

  9. Mokgopa Phil

    I started the Art in 2017 and my cd4 was 7 now it’s 18..what can I do I’m also on purbac for chest infections.purbacis also not good for my kidneys. Please help.

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Maraneth,

    This is something that your partner will need to discuss with their doctor.


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