Q and A


Which foods increase CD4 count?

I want to increase my CD4 count. Which foods should i eat to do this?



A healthy balanced diet is important for everyone, especially people with HIV.

However HIV treatment is the only thing that will reliably increase your CD4 count. This will slowly start to happen after you start treatment, if you have not already.

You can have a look at this online guide for information about HIV and nutrition.

And our online guide with information about HIV treatment.


  1. Maraneth

    Hi my name is Maraneth, my boyfriend and I have recently been diagnosed with HIV, he was recently hospitalised for meningitis and discharged a couple of days ago. When should he start ARV treatment and will it clash with the meningitis treatment. What foods can aid to boost the immune system?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jay,

    No there isn’t a problem with your medication. This is a CD4 fluctuation. Please see here: http://i-base.info/qa/14760

  3. Jay

    Im so worried about my cd4. My first cd4 taken was 278 last jan2018 Then after 6 months, august 2018, my cd4 went 577 after taking arvs. Now november 2018, my cd4 went 526. Im so worried about my cd4 to 526. Is there a problem to my medications?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sunday,

    When you say at risk, what do you mean? At risk of what?

  5. Sunday

    my Cd4 count was 865 wen I started taking medications, even before and after I started taking medications they was no signs nor symptom …. i only went to check my self up and i was told i have HIV immidiatly i pick up the drugs since 1st june 2018 ….. am going for d next cd4 test this Nov 26th pls am i at risk?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi James,

    Its great that you’re thinking about restarting meds. Having your HIV under control is really important. As you’ve been off meds for some time the best thing to do is see your doctor. Ideally they could check your CD4 count as well as your viral load. They may also run some resistance tests. Ideally you should also be able to talk about your treatment options.

    When you were on meds last time, did you have any side effects?

  7. james

    I stopped treatment 3 yes ago and I would like to continue, will the ART affect me?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lucy,

    What meds are you taking? How long have you been on them for? What’s your viral load?

  9. Lucy

    Please am taking my medication but am stooling and my vitral load is high, what can I do, my doctor ask me to continue with the drugs and am losing weight

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zodwa,

    Its great to hear that you want to start your medication, this is very important. More so due to your CD4 being 225.
    Though someone may ‘look’ healthy when they aren’t taking medication, their HIV isn’t under control. This is why ARVs are important.

    It is possible that you may have some slight side effects when you first start, however getting sick isn’t something that is common. Neither is losing weight. This is because modern ARVs are a lot more tolerable than what they used to be. If you were to have any issues then you could always change to another combination.

    Being worried is common when thinking about starting meds, but mes really are the best thing for you. Please see here for more info: http://i-base.info/guides/starting


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