Q and A


Can i change the time i take my ARVs?

I take my ARVs at 8am and 8pm. Can i change it to 10am and 10pm?



This is not a problem as long as you consistently take them at the new time. Jumping back and forth mean you have a risk of developing resistance. This would mean your meds would stop working well.

People do change the time they take their meds for all sorts of reasons though. Again this is ok as long as you keep taking regularly at the new time.

The only concern about switching from evening to morning is if your combination include the drug efavirenz. Efavirenz needs to be taken 1-2 hours before you sleep, so you reduce side effects.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Joe,

    Thanks for the positive feedback, it really is appreciated.

    If you want to change from taking your meds in the morning to the evening you can. A change in time will not cause resistance. What I would advice is that you take them as normal, say this morning then wait until tomorrow night to take them again. Once you change to 9-10pm, then just make sure that you adhere to this time.

  2. Joe


    Allow me to start my message by thanking you all for the great effort you put into this helpful website.

    I am positive and I take Eviplera/ same as complera once a day, I take it between 9 and 10 AM. I want to take it at 9 and 10 PM instead, but I don’t know how to manage and how can I secure not developing a resistance? Please help me.

    Thank you.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Caleb,

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us. You’ve asked a lot of things, so I’m going to try and answer them one-by-one.

    Yes you can still study whilst taking ARVs. And 10pm is fine. The mild side effects should go within a few weeks. Its just your body getting used to them.

    No you won’t look, ‘sick’. ARVs are very effective, and in most instances gone are the days when people with HIV looked sick.

    If you want to give someone oral sex that’s fine. As too is having sex with a condom. Once your viral load is undetectable the risk of transmission will be close to zero. Please see the results of the PARTNER study for more info:


    Now, because your CD4 is 101 its important that you are also taking co-trixmoxazole. This will help prevent other infections. If you haven’t been given this, please talk to your doctor. There’s more here about CD4s of less than 200 and also our, ‘Introduction to ART’ guide:



    What’s important for you to know is that the ARVs will have started working straight away. Therefore, your HIV will start to become under control. This means that you’ll be OK.

    Not wanting to tell your mother is understandable. However, it may help to talk to someone. Have you thought about peer support?

  4. Caleb


    I am a university student and I am HIV positive. I am gay, the first time I suspected that I might be positive was after having sex with two guys in two weeks. In July 2016 I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend hand in October 2016 I felf very sick, I wanted to test for HIV on campus but they could not test me since it was exam times, I got better after two weeks and I thought it was flu. But I lived with the fear that I was HIV positive, I accepted that I was positive even though I was not yet diagnosed. In December when I was at home I decided to go and do an HIV test, the lady who tested me started explaining how ARVs works before telling and showing me my results, I knew from that moment that I was HIV positive. When she finally told me I was not scared since I lived knowing that I might be HIV positive, but I got scared that I was aware that my life was not long anymore. They took my blood to check my CD4 count. I remember I had to take my siblings with me for a week holiday. On the 27 of December they told me to come for Mr results, I didn’t get them since they were delayed by the holidays, I got my results this January 2017, my CD4 count was 101, I knew that I was on stage 3 and that I am an AIDS patient. It was difficult for me since I’m going through this alone, I don’t want my parents to know, my mom is 9 months pregnant so I did not want to cause her any complications. I am always reading online advises which helped me to know better about HIV. I am now happy since I just started Odimune this week and I am not having complicated sides effects. As I’m writing this post its my 4th day taking the medication and now able to walk outside without being too much dizzy, I even managed to attend my lectures.

    I want to know if I can take my medication and still study or should I just go to sleep? I take Odimune at 10 pm since I usually sleep late.

    I was not shown my viral load I just knew that my CD4 was very low, I don’t look sick and I have not lost too much weight, is it possible that I will look sick since I’m now on medication?

    I have not had sex since last year, I’m scared of reeffection. I know its safe to use a condom but I’m still scared I can get reeffection.

    As a gay guy, can I get oral sex? I can’t give oral sex just to protect the next person. But will I get reeffection if I get oral sex?

    I know a lot now about HIV , and I just wanna keep myself safe.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Judith,

    I’m pleased to hear that you’ve found the info helpful.

  6. Judith

    Have been helped much by this website. I wanted to change the time I take the ARV meds. From one of the question from the web, the answer you gave has solved my problem.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Win,

    Yes you can.

  8. win

    I forgot to ask that if I change the time of taking meds for now, can I then change again?

  9. win

    Is it OK to drink and smoke if taking ARVs?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Win,

    Yes you can go to the gym. Exercise is good for all of us.

    The following link discusses ARVs and viagra:



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