Q and A


Can i take my treatment in the morning?

Is it ok for me to take my treatment in the morning, instead of in the evening?



This depends on what medication you are on. If you are taking efavirenz, or a pill containing this, it is not usually recommended. This is because of the kind of side effects efavirenz causes. Taking it at night means you are sleeping and avoiding some of the side effects.

If  you are on a combination that oddest contain efavirenz it should be ok to take int the morning. The important thing is that you continue to take your medication at the same time every day. You should not switch back and forth between the new time and the old time.  Good adherence is important to make sure your meds work.

You can find more information about adherence in our online treatment guide.

And more information about efavirenz in our medication guide.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Momon,

    Some HIV drugs interact with chems, recreational and street drugs, methadone, vitamins and supplements and over-the-counter medicines.

    It’s important that your HIV doctor and pharmacist know about other drugs or supplements that you take, even if you use them rarely and even if they are not legal.

    Please see this link to a guide to drug interactions, including alcohol and recreational drugs with links to further resouces.

  2. Momon

    Hello, its me again.
    Im taking combivir and efavirenz to new timing at 12noon and 12midnight as mentioned below.
    My next question, is it safe to take recreational drugs such as
    1) “poppers”,
    2) “gbh / gbl”
    3) “ice”

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Momon,

    It’s ok to go straight to 12am and 12pm.

  4. Momon

    Im currently taking combiver (7am and 7pm) and efavirenz (7pm) for 3 months only.
    I would like to change to 12noon and 12midnyt respectively.
    Should i change the timing slowly like everyhour per day (mean today i take at 8am and 8pm, then next day 9am and 9pm until i reach 12noon and 12midnight)
    Can i change from 7am/7pm straight to 12noon/12midnight?

  5. samuel

    hello . Good Morning.I am on hiv treatment since last 8 months . I am taking medicines that contains Tenofovir disoproxil,fumarate ip,lamivudine ip,and efavirenz ip in one tablet. can i take these medicines in the morning ??

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Samuel,

    The medication that you’re taking is supposed to be taken in the evening. This is due to the possible side effects of the efavirenz. However you could take it in the morning. You’ll just need to see how you feel.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Newly diagnosed,

    When someone is new to treatment its important to try and take your meds at roughly the same time every day. However, being late by an hour or so won’t have any impact on your HIV. Once your viral load is undetectable then there is a greater level of flexibility.

  8. Newly diagnosed

    Hello,so I’ve been on treatment for about three days now.I’ve missed my second day by thirty minutes but I took it as soon as I saw my my alarm didn’t go off.What I’d like like to know is that is it okay to take my meds before my intended time (8pm)?I’m on atroiza.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Akhona, Do you mean you have night sweats? Some HIV positive people have nights sweats. But it’s not always because of HIV. You can talk to your doctor about this and ask what is casuing them. If you are wetting the bed it’s important that you ask the doctor to find out why. Some people can feel dizzy during the daytime if they take Atroiza in the morning. But you can discuss this with the doctor if you think taking Atroiza at night is causing night sweats.

  10. Akhona

    Hi I am on Atroiza,and I’ve noticed that I have a problem of bed wetting,what can I do to stop this bed wetting?Also is it possible to take Atroiza in the morning?


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