Q and A


Can i take my treatment in the morning?

Is it ok for me to take my treatment in the morning, instead of in the evening?



This depends on what medication you are on. If you are taking efavirenz, or a pill containing this, it is not usually recommended. This is because of the kind of side effects efavirenz causes. Taking it at night means you are sleeping and avoiding some of the side effects.

If  you are on a combination that oddest contain efavirenz it should be ok to take int the morning. The important thing is that you continue to take your medication at the same time every day. You should not switch back and forth between the new time and the old time.  Good adherence is important to make sure your meds work.

You can find more information about adherence in our online treatment guide.

And more information about efavirenz in our medication guide.


  1. Philip

    Good Evening

    Is it possible for me to take my trivenz in the morning?

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kiki, what meds were you on and what have you been switched too?

  3. Kiki

    Why would your meds be changed from the evening ones to the morning ones after such a long time of taking the evening meds

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Vutomi, yes it is okay to change the time you take your ARVs. This will not change how effective you are. Though you may notice different side effects depending on which ARVs you are using and when in the day you already take them.

  5. Vutomi

    I want to change my time of taking Arv is it OK that I take it in the morning

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Siraaj, yes Acriptega is good if you take it in the morning. Acriptega is a generic form of TLD. It is often recommended to take TLD in the morning to avoid potential side effects that prevent sleep.

  7. Siraaj

    Is acriptega good if you take it in the morning

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Themba, as you are missing them often is there a better time in the day you can be taking your medication? It is best to keep to the same time every day otherwise it changes the level of medication in your body.

    If you do miss a dose on occasion and do not realise until the morning, it would be best to skip this dose and continue with your normal routine. Have you considered setting an alarm or something to help you remember to take your medication at the same time each day?

  9. Themba

    if i im taking my meds at night and i find out that, there are times where i get from work and go clubing until past my meds time, can i take them in the morning to avoid missing my times at night?

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi Gugu, I am sorry you have these results, but maybe it would help to talk to your doctor about ways to explain this. One is that your positive test might be wrong. Another might be that you partner’s negative test is wrong. Also, is there any chance you might have been born with HIV but were never tested. This are a few ideas, but it is important to have a second test to confirm that you really are HIV positive.


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