Q and A


Can i take my treatment in the morning?

Is it ok for me to take my treatment in the morning, instead of in the evening?



This depends on what medication you are on. If you are taking efavirenz, or a pill containing this, it is not usually recommended. This is because of the kind of side effects efavirenz causes. Taking it at night means you are sleeping and avoiding some of the side effects.

If  you are on a combination that oddest contain efavirenz it should be ok to take int the morning. The important thing is that you continue to take your medication at the same time every day. You should not switch back and forth between the new time and the old time.  Good adherence is important to make sure your meds work.

You can find more information about adherence in our online treatment guide.

And more information about efavirenz in our medication guide.


  1. Gugu

    Hi I’m Gugu. I tested HIV positive and my partner is negative but I never slept with anyone except him. I am also diabetic.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Malithabo,

    What ARVs are you taking?

  3. Malithabo

    I wanna know why am taking my pills in the morning
    What is the difference or do I have a different hiv
    Am trying to Google but can’t get help

  4. Nwabisa

    Hellow can I switch my treatment time to 12 :00 Afternoon

    I’m taking Trivens

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nwabisa,

    You could try changing to earlier in the day, if however you have any side effects you’ll need to change back to the evening (that is if you’re taking them in the evening) this is due to the following: https://i-base.info/guides/1561

  6. Lisa Thorley


    The medication that you’re taking needs to be taken in the morning, this is because it can impact sleep if it’s taken at night. Please see here:

    ARVs are taken by people who have high as well as low CD4 counts, this includes the medication that you’re on.

  7. Jozy

    Hi am jozy, pls am taking Acriptega in the evening is it ok, pls can u help me, And in wat stages do u take in Acriptega, ls it when your count is low

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Zuzu, thanks for posting here. Some HIV meds do cause weight gain. So the answer will depend on which meds you are using. Changing the time that you take the meds is not likely to make any difference though. Some meds need to be taken at night, and some in the morning. What does your doctor say about this? Your doctor needs to take this seriously. Pls email me more details for more individual information: questions@i-Base.org.uk.

  9. Zuzu

    Good Evening
    I have tested positive in 2019 January and started Arvs in February same year, my CD 4 count is 793 with a viral load of undetectable, I have gained so much weight since I started to use the arvs, it’s really frustrating me, I have changed my medication from Evening to morning I don’t know if its a good idea please assist

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Londiwe,

    What’s the name of the ARV that you’re taking?
    If you’re having issues with remembering to take your meds, a good idea is to set an alarm on your phone.


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