Q and A


Can i take my treatment in the morning?

Is it ok for me to take my treatment in the morning, instead of in the evening?



This depends on what medication you are on. If you are taking efavirenz, or a pill containing this, it is not usually recommended. This is because of the kind of side effects efavirenz causes. Taking it at night means you are sleeping and avoiding some of the side effects.

If  you are on a combination that oddest contain efavirenz it should be ok to take int the morning. The important thing is that you continue to take your medication at the same time every day. You should not switch back and forth between the new time and the old time.  Good adherence is important to make sure your meds work.

You can find more information about adherence in our online treatment guide.

And more information about efavirenz in our medication guide.


  1. Londiwe

    Hi I’m Lolo , The nurse change my ARV to the one take during the day, And I keep forgetting to take it , Can I take my ARV in the morning before food?

  2. Rose

    My name is Rose and have been taking my pill at 8PM and most of the time could have sleepless nights. I could not just sleep, insomnia. So I’m now taking the pill at 8am and I’m fine now. I sleep like a baby now

  3. Hope

    Hey i found out i was hiv when i went to get tested for pregnancy so they gave me the treatment and it got finished and now they gave me emoldetren pills so do i take the way i was taking my arv or what?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Hope,

    The medication that you’ve been given is called TLD, please see here: https://i-base.info/guides/14970 It’s an ARV. Yes this can be used during pregnancy.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nosiphiwo,

    If your viral load is undetectable, it’s OK to take your meds a few hours either side of your regular time.

  6. Nosiphiwo

    Hi my name is Nosiphiwo. If am taking my pills at 8h00 is it a problem if am taking them an hour later some days?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ayanda,

    It’s OK to take your meds in the morning, this won’t be an issue. As you’re pregnant you might find the following helpful: https://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

  8. Ayanda

    Hei my name is ayanda …can i take acriptega in the morning?cz this is my first time i got this morning pills and their did not tell me what time can i take and im pregnant so plzz help

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nosipho,

    ARVs should be taken at a time that works best for you, so yes this can be taken in the morning. The medication that you’re taking shouldn’t be causing sleep issues, what are these?

  10. Nosipho

    Hi my name is Nosipho I have been on Odimube since 2017 but last month they gave me Luvigen no my problem is I’m having sleepless night can I take my med in the morning


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