Q and A


Can i take my treatment in the morning?

Is it ok for me to take my treatment in the morning, instead of in the evening?



This depends on what medication you are on. If you are taking efavirenz, or a pill containing this, it is not usually recommended. This is because of the kind of side effects efavirenz causes. Taking it at night means you are sleeping and avoiding some of the side effects.

If  you are on a combination that oddest contain efavirenz it should be ok to take int the morning. The important thing is that you continue to take your medication at the same time every day. You should not switch back and forth between the new time and the old time.  Good adherence is important to make sure your meds work.

You can find more information about adherence in our online treatment guide.

And more information about efavirenz in our medication guide.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jossy,

    ARVs should be taken at a time that works for you. If for you this means taking your meds in the morning, then yes. However, the reason why it’s recommended to take Odimune in the evening is because it reduces possible side effects. If side effects aren’t an issue, that’s great.

  2. Jossy

    Hi, can I take Odimune in the morning

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Octavia,

    What’s your current CD4 count and viral load?

  4. Octavia

    Hie my name is Octavia I started talking my my meds in 2007 which is Atroiza my worry is that in July 2020 my cd4count wasn’t good and in the conselling room I was confused wen iam told about protection while I’ve decided to upstain

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sophy,

    Please can you ask your question again? I’m sorry, I can’t quite understand it.

    However, most ARVs can be taken at any time of day. That’s except Atripla, which is usually taken at bedtime to reduce side effects.

    Please let us know more, including your viral load and CD4 results.

  6. Sophy

    I was given related so they say I must take in the morning and confused

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nelly,

    Weight loss can be due to a number of things. If someone is taking ARVs, it’s unlikely that this is the cause. The best thing to do is to talk to a doctor.

  8. Nelly

    I have losing weight lately I don’t know why I being taking my meds on time but that’s scared me the most is I started losing weight from 76 kg to 68kg

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Tumi,

    Atroiza and Odimune are the same HIV meds. They have different names because they are made by different manufacturers. You can see all other generic names for this pill here.

    Side effects are mainly related to efavirenz which is the main drug in this pill. Sleep disturbance and rash have been reported as a side effects. It’s recommended to take it at bedtime to reduce other side effects. But it will still work well if you take it at other times of the day.

    However, please talk to your doctor and ask if there are other HIV meds that will be easier for you to take.

    If you have access to your viral load and CD4 count, please let us know the results.

  10. Tumi

    Hi my name is Tumi I’ve been on Atroiza and Odimune since last year October, I was recently given trivage now I’m battling to sleep. Having sleepless nights and developed some rash on my face, I changed time now taking meds in the morning so I can manage to sleep at night. Won’t this time change affect my viral load and treatment cycle?


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