Q and A


Is it possible to get pregnant if you are taking Trivenz (Atripla)?

Is possible to get pregnant if you are taking Trivenz? Is there a risk of infecting my partner?



Many people like yourself safely get pregnant and have HIV negative babies. This, and protecting your partner, is both done using treatment.

Trivenz is a generic version (a copy) of Atripla. They contain the same ingredients and work in the same way. They only have different names because they are made by different people.

Taking treatment should not prevent you getting pregnant, many women do this. As well as being good for your health being on treatment should prevent your partner becoming positive.

If you have been on treatment for several months your viral load should be undetectable (under 50). This means that there is close to zero chance of passing on the virus. This is even when having sex without condoms.

If you became pregnant your HIV treatment would also protect your baby from becoming positive.

You can find lots of information on HIV and pregnancy in our online guide.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi sbongile,

    For when to take trivenz, please see the following:


  2. sbongile

    It is possible to eat food after taking a trivenz tablet or how soon if it possible?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi sbongile,

    Trivenz are a generic version of the ARV Atripla. Please see the following link for more info:


  4. sbongile

    Hi the trivenz tablets are same as arvs?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Ntombekhaya, HIV is pretty difficult to catch from just one risk. The Trivenz will reduce this risk further. It is a good idea to use condoms while you are on Trivenz as the contraceptive levels are sometimes reduced by Trivenz.

  6. ntombekhaya

    I’m a 42 year old female HIV negative had an accident with HIV male now I on Trivenz for 30 days. I’m on Depo should worry.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Stven – each person is different. This is not really related to whether the are a man or a woman.

  8. stven

    Hi.how much cd4 man and how much 4 woman

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Nnanamsontsha

    It is better for you to wait until your CD4 count is higher before you become pregnant. This is both for your health and your babies health.

    Now you have started ARVs you CD4 count will get stronger. But a count of 7 still has lots of risks until it gets to higher levels.

    It is physically possible to become pregnant though but it would not be good. Please use condoms or other contraceptive protection until your immune system is stronger.

    Please also talk to your doctor for support.

  10. Nnanamsontsha

    My cd4 7 is it possible for me to fall pregnant soon am 23 years 2weeks in arvs,