Q and A


Is it possible to get pregnant if you are taking Trivenz (Atripla)?

Is possible to get pregnant if you are taking Trivenz? Is there a risk of infecting my partner?



Many people like yourself safely get pregnant and have HIV negative babies. This, and protecting your partner, is both done using treatment.

Trivenz is a generic version (a copy) of Atripla. They contain the same ingredients and work in the same way. They only have different names because they are made by different people.

Taking treatment should not prevent you getting pregnant, many women do this. As well as being good for your health being on treatment should prevent your partner becoming positive.

If you have been on treatment for several months your viral load should be undetectable (under 50). This means that there is close to zero chance of passing on the virus. This is even when having sex without condoms.

If you became pregnant your HIV treatment would also protect your baby from becoming positive.

You can find lots of information on HIV and pregnancy in our online guide.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Curious,

    What HPV is, is discussed here:


    One form of HPV what may be more common in women who are living with HIV, is that which leads to cervical cancer. Therefore, its important that women undergo screening for this type of cancer.


    With regards to HRV, do you mean, heart rate variability?

  2. Curious 19yr old gal!

    I just want to know if this disease called HPV or HRV happens more in people who are positive.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lindi,

    Yes its possible to get pregnant with a CD4 of 73. It’s important though that you’re on meds.

    For more about HIV and pregnancy, please see here:


  4. lindi

    Is it possible to get pregnant with 73 CD4 count?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pprecious,

    The fat that may develop around a persons organs doesn’t influence weight gain. Nor does it stop you from losing weight.

    Weight is lost by exercising and diet. Are you doing these things? Also as we age its harder to lose weight.

  6. Precious

    Hi there.

    How can I lose weight while on Trivenz? My weight is constantly on 67kg and I want to lose about 6kg. How do i go about this. I read that ARV’s can create fat around ones organs thus making it hard to lose weight.

    please help.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thabi,

    The most important thing is that you take your meds. And also that you take them as prescribed. If you’re supposed to take them with food, then take them with food.

    What is it that you’re on?

  8. thabi

    Good day I have been on arv for over 6 months now and I no longer experience side effect. I want to know if is safe to eat before or just after taking the arv. Because sometimes I do that will the arv still be effective or as long as i am taking them the is no problem?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Larry,

    i-base is for people who are living with HIV. If you’re partner has chosen not to talk to you about their status, then that is up to them.
    If you really want to know, you could try asking them.

  10. larry

    I have a problem my partner he’s taking trivenz tablets doesn’t mean he’s positive because he did say anything to me and I don’t know if know how can I ask him please help I need to know