
Can I use Eflaten instead of Trivenz?

I just ran out of Trivenz and took Eflaten. Is this dangerous?


It is okay to swtich between these Eflaten and Trivenz.

They both contain the same doses of efavirenz and tenofovir DF.

The only differenz is the third drug. In Trivenz it is FTC and in Eflaten it is 3TC.

FTC and 3TC are so close that is is usually easy to switch.


  1. Norman

    Can I switch from ternolam e to eflaten

  2. Afrikan

    Whether you use EFLATEN or ELTENO, you are still getting the same treatment for HIV and the side effects won’t change (Efavirenz/Lamivudine/Tenofovir are in fixed dosages in both). Please stop this panic about brand names. Drugs come from different manufacturers and must therefore assume different names!

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Trevor,

    Trivenz contains three anti HIV drugs (ARVs). It is used to treat people who are HIV positive. Similar drugs to Trivenz can be used as PEP. But they must not be used together as this would be double the dose needed for both PEP and HIV treatment.


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