
Can I use Eflaten instead of Trivenz?

I just ran out of Trivenz and took Eflaten. Is this dangerous?


It is okay to swtich between these Eflaten and Trivenz.

They both contain the same doses of efavirenz and tenofovir DF.

The only differenz is the third drug. In Trivenz it is FTC and in Eflaten it is 3TC.

FTC and 3TC are so close that is is usually easy to switch.


  1. Trevor

    Hi can I use Trivenz together with other PEP medication?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kele,

    Please see the following link:

  3. Kele

    Does eflaten work the same as trivez

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lesego,

    The meds that you’ve now been given will work just as well as the eflaten.

  5. Lesego

    Hi I was using eflaten and now where I’m getting my treatment they have given me elteno tablets, I’m kind of worried because I’ve always been using one treatment now this one I don’t know if it will treat me the same. What’s the difference between eflaten and elteno tablets.

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Slindile,

    Eflaten is an ARV combination containing efavirenz, tenofovir-DF and 3TC. It is not an antibiotic.

    See here for details:

  7. Slindile

    eflaten is an antibiotics or antiretroviral?
    pls help I’m confused.

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Regina

    Tribes and Trivenz contain the same drugs, but they are made by different manufacturer’s.

    This means you can change one for the other but the side effects are likely to be the same.

  9. Reginah

    Can I switch from Tribuss to Trivenz. Will there be no more side effects?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Norman,

    If this has been suggested by your doctor, then yes.


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