Q and A


How long does an HIV negative infant take the Ilvitrim syrup?

 For how long can an infant take the ilvitrim suspension syrup when tested negative?



Please ask your doctor about this. The doctor will tell you why it is important and how long it need to be used for.

Usually it will be for at least 18 months. However, it also needs to be continued if breastfeeding is longer than this.

Ilvitrim syrup is a combination of two antibiotics. It protects your baby from different infections.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thuli,

    What does your doctor say? As Simon says, your doctor will tell you why Ilvitrim is important and how long she needs to take it.

    Your doctor and nurse can give you the best advice on how to feed your baby too.

  2. Thuli

    hi please help how may times a day must a 7weeks old baby take Ilvitrim Suspension and if I decide to give her milk only from 2 months will I continue to give her this Ilvitrim?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Shaz,

    It’s great to hear that your babies first test was negative, this is a good sign.
    With formula there’s no risk, so yes it’s more than OK to give your baby formula. I’m not sure why you’ve been given the ilvitrim as this isn’t an ARV, it’s an antibiotic, are you able to ask your childs doctor why they’ve been given it?

  4. Shaz

    Hi am shaz am hiv positive my baby is 6 weeks she was hiv negative after birth she received nvp and yesterday they give us ilvitrim syrup and now I stop breast feeding I’m using formula milk only isn’t ohk?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mimsy,

    It’s important to follow the advice from the nurse. Your doctor and nurse can tell you why your baby needs Ilvitrim for 6 months.

    You can also talk to them about the best way to feed your baby. But you can switch to formula when you want to. There is no HIV risk from feeding your baby with formula only. Please do not mix feed with formula and breastmilk as this can increase HIV risk.

    Please check with your nurse and doctor as they can give you the best advice.

  6. Mimsy


    I took my baby for 6 weeks old check up, the nurse gave him Ilvitrim suspension to take everyday(same time) and they also advised me he will take it for 6 months. So I want to know if I can continue breastfeeding him and what are the risks of being infected. What happens if I stop breastfeeding and giving him formula.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Maria,

    Are you a HIV positive mother?

  8. Maria

    Hi at the clinic they did mistake and gave my baby ilvitrim suspension they mixed baby files is this not dangerous to my child

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mbally,

    Babies over the age of one don’t need to be breastfeed, they can drink cows milk. Therefore, the best option for your baby is this. Ilvitrim isn’t an ARV, therefore I don’t know why your baby has been taking this. It’s good to hear though that they’ve so far tested negative.

  10. Mbally

    Hi,my baby is 1yr 2mnths,n tested nagative at clininic they stop her ilvitrim n I’m still breastfeeding her,this won’t affect my baby?


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