Q and A


How long does an HIV negative infant take the Ilvitrim syrup?

 For how long can an infant take the ilvitrim suspension syrup when tested negative?



Please ask your doctor about this. The doctor will tell you why it is important and how long it need to be used for.

Usually it will be for at least 18 months. However, it also needs to be continued if breastfeeding is longer than this.

Ilvitrim syrup is a combination of two antibiotics. It protects your baby from different infections.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Rose,

    First, many congratulations on the news of your new baby.

    It’s great that your viral load is undetectable because that’s the best way to protect your health, and your baby’s health. So it looks like you’re doing all you can.

    Switching to formula only feeding does not increase the risk to your baby. This sounds like a good idea if it helps with your job pressures too.

    But please talk to your doctor or nurse. They can give you the best help and advice about feeding your baby.

  2. Rose

    M hiv+my baby is 2 months after 6weeks they gave me doctrine for child and after a month ifind job istarted to mixfeed because I breastfeed afternoon but my viral load is undetected is it my child at risk now I want to stop breastfeed

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zandile,

    Oral thrush in babies is common. Due to them being very young, you should take them to see a doctor as the thrush will need to be treated.

  4. Zandile

    Hi my bby he is two weeks old and I’m giving him zidovudine syrup twice a day and I’m giving him formula only….now I’m worried that he I infected because he has oral thrush….. is it possible?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Boitumelo,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Are you saying that for the first 2 months your baby wasn’t given any ARVs, even if you’re positive? During this time have you been breastfeeding him? And what have his HIV test results been?

  6. Boitumelo

    Hi Lisa its Boitumelo he is 2months old

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Boitumelo,

    How old is your baby?
    If you’ve just given birth, this its normal that your baby would be given ARVs as all babies born to positive mothers need to take ARVs. Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy/will-baby-need-hiv-drugs

  8. Boitumelo

    Hi im boitumelo and im hiv posetive and i haven’t got my baby’s result and thay have given me nvp today they gave me ilvitrim can that mean he is hiv posetive

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nthabeleng,

    In some countries babies may be given ARVs along with antibiotics. If you’re not sure if your child needs to take these, you’ll need to talk to your childs doctor.

  10. Nthabeleng

    I am HIV posetive and my baby tested negative. can he take NVP and ilvitrim at the same time?


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