Q and A


How long does an HIV negative infant take the Ilvitrim syrup?

 For how long can an infant take the ilvitrim suspension syrup when tested negative?



Please ask your doctor about this. The doctor will tell you why it is important and how long it need to be used for.

Usually it will be for at least 18 months. However, it also needs to be continued if breastfeeding is longer than this.

Ilvitrim syrup is a combination of two antibiotics. It protects your baby from different infections.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Shumani,

    ilivitrim is an antibiotic, it’s not an ARV. You’ll need to talk to your baby’s doctor about this.

  2. Shumani

    My baby is 13 weeks now and she is on ilivitrim suspension,and she tested negative (cpr)how long does she take this medication

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jill,

    This should be ok. However, before stopping please talk to your sons doctor.

  4. Jill

    Hi my boy is 7 weeks and has change from breastfeeding to formula, is it also fine to stop giving him neverapine?

  5. Winnie

    My baby is 7weeks old and I am on treatment so they have stopped him on Nevirepine and gave him ilvitrim is it safe to do so? thanks

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Winnie,

    ilvitrim is an antibiotic, it’s not an ARV. Yes, it’s safe to give this to babies. However, you need to ask your babies doctor why they been given it.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Frank, babies are sometimes given different meds for longer or shorter depending on which country you are in. As i-Base is in the UK, it is better to ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist how long this will continue for. The ilvitrim suspension might still be needed. If your baby is confirm as not having HIV, then the nevirapine should not still be used. Again though, please as your doctor.

  8. Frank

    My son is now 18months old and have stopped breastfeeding. I’m on medication but I’m still giving him this ilvitrim suspension. Is it wise to continue giving him or I must stop? I am also giving him nevirapine.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Mpho, please ask your doctor about how long these are for. Ilvitrim is safe and will protect your baby from infections. Different countries recommended using this for different times. This is difficult to comment on without more details but the doctors are giving you good information and treatment.

  10. Mpho

    My baby is 6weeks and has been taking zidovudine for 6weks then the clinic gave me ilvitrim suspension, what is it for and how long should she take it?


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