Q and A


How long does an HIV negative infant take the Ilvitrim syrup?

 For how long can an infant take the ilvitrim suspension syrup when tested negative?



Please ask your doctor about this. The doctor will tell you why it is important and how long it need to be used for.

Usually it will be for at least 18 months. However, it also needs to be continued if breastfeeding is longer than this.

Ilvitrim syrup is a combination of two antibiotics. It protects your baby from different infections.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Khosi, congratulations on your new baby. Ilvitrim is a medication used to prevent possible infections other than HIV. Babies who are at a risk of HIV are given Ilvitirm to reduce their risk. The medication is stopped when there is no longer risk to baby and their status is confirmed with a test. Switching to formula does not mean you should stop giving your baby Ilvitirm. Have you been able to speak to a clinic about breastfeeding? They may be able to offer advice on how to help baby feed. If you do switch to formula, it is not recommended to switch back as mixed feeding does increase risk of HIV for baby.

  2. Khosi

    Hi My name is Khosi I’m HIV positive and my 4 months baby has tested negative twice…I was then given ilvitrim suspension even when I told the nurse I’ll be stopping to breastfeed and I’ll start formula feeding. Must I continue giving her the syrup or I should stop…and what happens to her body if she’s not been given for two weeks?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thandiswa, Ilvitrim is an antibiotic. It is used to respiratory infections. It will also be given to a baby of an HIV positive mother to prevent infections that they are more at risk of.

  4. Thandiswa

    Helo are want to know about this ilvitrim because my baby is 7 mouth have fever it the clinic give me this bottle of ilvitrim my baby is nagetive what for this bottle

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Choene,

    Ilvitrim is another name for co-trimoxazole, they are the same medication. The medication is a combination of Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim. Talking to the health care professional who prescribed this will help clear this up. When giving your baby their medication make sure you are not exceeding the dose and doubling their medication by giving a dose of ‘Ilvitrim’ and a second of ‘Co-trimoxazole’.

  6. choene

    Hi im hiv+ and my baby is 3 months has been prescibed ilvitrim and co-trimoxazole suspension can i give her them both at the same time.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nomfundo,

    ilvitrim is an antibiotic it isn’t an ARV. The dosage information should be on the box that the medication came in or in the instructions. If you don’t have this information you’ll need to ask your childs doctor.

  8. Nomfundo

    Hi my baby is 4months and I was in clinic yesterday they give me Ilvitrim suspension and the doctor doesn’t tell me how to give my baby

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Nonki, please talk to your doctor or clinic if you are having trouble breastfeeding. Please also continue the ilvitrim (co-trimoxazole) until the doctor says it is okay to stop. This is usually only once your baby is confirmed to be HIV negative.

  10. Nonki

    Hi my baby she is 4 months now and I was breastfeeding her but now she is not can I stop giving her that ilvitrim suspension or what


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