Q and A


Can I take multivitamins and minerals with ARVs?



Multivitamins are minerals are only really needed if you have a deficiency or if you don;t have a balanced and nutritious diet.

So long as you use recommend dose they will not do any harm.

The only ARVs that interact with multivitamins are integrate inhibitors. It this case you just need to separate dosing of the multivitamins and ARVs by at least four hours


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sinokholo, there are a few potential interactions between the combination you have mentioned.

    Luvigen contains dolutegravir. Taking this with Vitamin C and Vitamin B3, depending on the formulation have the potential to reduce how much dolutegravir is absorbed. This interaction can be avoided by taking Vitamin C/B3 with 6 hours before or 2 hours after taking dolutegravir.

    Luvigen also contains lamvudine. There is a potential interaction between lamviduine and co-trimoxazole. This interaction is only concerning if your kidneys do not work properly. Do you know how well your kidneys function? This is because both of these drugs are removed from the body via the kidney and need them to work.

  2. Sinokholo

    Is it safe to take luvigen and co-trimoxazole 480 with vitamin Cand zinc and Vitamin B3

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pamella, collagen does not interaction with HIV drugs. You are safe to take them together.

  4. Pamella

    Hi does pure hydrolized collagen interacts with new hiv drug

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sphelele, what ARVs are you on and which multivitamin are you taking? In most cases there is no interaction.

  6. Sphelele

    Hey, 4years living with HIV, can I take my multivitamin while in ARV?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Mafutha, Acriptega contains generic versions of tenofovir DF (TD), lamivudine (3TC) and dolutegravir in a single pill (TLD).

    Dolutegravir can interact with some supplements (containing calcium, magnesium or aluminium), antacids and multivitamins. This also includes antacids that include magnesium or aluminium. This means taking the PEP a few hour before or after the supplements. See:

    As PEP is only for four weeks, you could also stop the supplements until the PEP is finished.

  8. Mafutha

    I am currently on PEP Acriptega. I am also taking slow mag, vitamin c, zinc, and selenium supplements.can this interfere with my PEP?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Alf, there are no interactions between any of the medications you have mentioned. The antibiotics you are taking will have no impact on the effectiveness of your ARVs.

  10. Alf


    I’ve been diagnosed on January 21 with a CD4 of 76.
    I recently got hospitalized due to liver abscess and pneumonia and have been taking a lot of medicines.

    My ARV is Lamivudine-Tenofovir-Efavirenz and I take it at 11pm.

    I have some antibiotics (Metronidazole and Levofloxacine) that I need to take at 10pm. Will these have an effect on my ARV?


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