Q and A


Why does i-Base not answer questions on HIV testing and transmission?

Hi i-Base, I have sent several questions about HIV testing and you only send links to information online. Why don’t you answer these questions?



i-Base is a project focused on HIV treatment. Our services are really for people who are HIV positive and who want to know about treatment.

We sometimes answer questions about both PrEP and PEP, but please look at online info first as most questions are already answered

We are not a service for people worried about their risk of HIV.

We are not a service about HIV testing.

We care, but we are not set up for this. Please use our website (see below) – or ask your doctor or your local clinic these questions.

We understand the need for good information about HIV risks and HIV testing – so we developed other very detailed resources.

  1. This FAQ page answers most questions about testing: when to test, differences to test and simple questions about risk.
  2. This online booklet on HIV risk and testing has even more detailed information. It will answer any other question about HIV transmission and HIV testing.
  3. This link has information on U=U: undetectable=untransmittable. It explains why effective HIV treatment means there is ZERO risk to partners, even if you don’t use a condom.
  4. The UK guide to PrEP has information about a simple way HIV negative people can protect themselves against HIV, even if you don’t use a condom.
  5. We have a new online factsheet about PEP. If your question is about PEP, please look here first.
  6. If you don’t believe your negative test result, please this link: feelings of guilt about sex and recent encounters.

Together these resources will answer nearly EVERY question you have about risks of catching HIV and how to test. If you have a question that is not already answered we will still answer you and incorporate the answers into the FAQ page for others.

Because these answers are already online we do not answer testing questions individually. i-Base we just don’t have these resources to do this.

i-Base is an information service but not an advice service – and there is an important difference. We provide easy to understand information that is accurate and up-to-date. This is so that you can then make their own informed decisions – with your doctor. The info makes it easier to have an active role in your own health.

We are almost 40 years into the HIV epidemic, so everyone who is sexually active needs to have good information about their health. Just as we encourage HIV positive people to understand their own health, we have the same approach for HIV negative people.

The information is online. If you want the answer you have to read it.

Happy reading …

Note: this question was first answered in September 2016 but the page is often updated to keep it as a recent question.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Raja,

    As this post explains, we don’t answer testing questions.

  2. raja

    Hi,I m very scared .in three days before I had a sex with a Frnd .but my condom is break out yesterday she and I get test report is negative .plz help me any chance to me get HIV+ .

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ibrahm,

    The above post explains that we don’t answer testing questions.

    However, if your partner is on medication and her viral load is undetectable the risk of transmission is close to zero. Please see here for more info:


  4. ibrahm

    I’ve had sex with my partner who is positive twice, am I infected?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Isha,

    The kits that are used in Ghana will vary depending on where you go for testing. Testing information is available here at Q1:


  6. isha

    What kits are used to test for HIV in Ghana? How long does it take?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Papa,

    I’m sorry, but this isn’t something that we do.

  8. Papa

    Thanks for the link. I understand but what I want is your personal opinion. I will appreciate it very much. Thank you and regards

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bronwyn,

    Being HIV positive shouldn’t be a barrier to having a family. Its something that lots of HIV positive people do. Please see quesiton 6 here:


    And our HIV and pregnancy guide:


    The most important thing is that you’re on treatment. Its being on treatment that will reduce the risks of transmission.

  10. Bronwyn

    Both my partner and I are HIV positive, is it possible that we can have a baby? And one that is negative?