
How accurate do I need to be with the time I take my meds?

I am just starting treatment and want to know how accurate I need to be with the timing of my meds. What if I am 30 minutes late?



In general, it is good advice to aim for the same time each day. this is because getting in a routine or habit will help you remember.

When you first start treatment, aim for the same time every day. During this time – when viral load is still coming down – you still have a “window period” of an hour either side when the dose will be fine.

So if you usually take meds at 9 pm and sometimes only remember at 10 pm – this will all be fine.

Once your viral load is undetectable, some combinations have a bigger window than others. For example, with Atripla (efavirenz/tenofovirDF/FTC), the window is at least a few hours. This is because all three of these meds keep good drug levels past the 24 hours needed for a once-daily drug.

So with Atripla, the normal 10 pm dose could be taken any time from 7 pm to 1 am the next day without any worry.

It is still good to aim for the same time though, just to keep a good habit.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Omosanjo,the meds only work if you take them every day. When you stop taking them, viral load quickly rebounds and your CD4 count will return to the pre-treatment level. Both these things increase the risk of you becoming ill. Please contact you clinic to explain this. There will not be a problem and they can help you get back on treatment. I wondered why you stopped? If it was because of side effects, there are other meds you can use.

  2. omosanjo

    for the past 6 months now have not been taken my drugs! am i at risk?


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