Q and A


What are the pills marked with M171 and D100?


If your doctor prescribed HIV medication that looks like the pill in the picture and has M171 embossed, this is likely to be Tribuss.


Picture: Tribuss, manufactured by Aspen.

The picture is not very clear, but M171 is one one side and D100 is on the other.

This is based on the information at this website.


Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla and it is manufactured by Aspen. It is widely used in South Africa.

Just like Atripla, Tribuss contains three active HIV drugs – efavirenz, tenofovir-DF and emtricitabine.

Sometimes Tribuss is mainly used as an HIV treatment by people who are HIV positive. However, this is an older treatment that is steadily being switched to newer drugs in many countries.

Some countries use Tribuss as a way to prevent HIV after recent risk for people who are HIV negative. This way of using HIV meds is called PEP. Tribuss is not recommended as PEP in most countries though because of the risk of side effects that are higher in people who are HIV negative.

This answer was updated in December 2019 from an orginal question posted in September 2016.


  1. Lethu

    Hi,I would like to know how long will it take for the virus to be undetactable,I just stated M171 Pill (Atroiza) 2 weeks ago at a CD4 count of 463.Recently feeling well and have not experienced much of a side effects axcept dizziness some day but I could already in bed though as ibtakebit @8PM everyday

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hello Teboho, I’m sorry your Mom sounds very unwell. So it’s important she gets an urgent treatment plan from the clinic. You can ask about how they can treat both meningitis and HIV. Can you help her to do this? You can contact the Treatment Action Campaign. They might be able to help and support your Mom locally.

  3. Teboho

    I’m worried my mom CD 4 count is 75 and she was hospitalised with bacterial meningitis and she completed her antibiotics.Now my problem is she went to the clinic to start with her hiv treatment as she didn’t know about her status but at the clinic they keep on sending her home and telling her to come back the following week and so on and so forth,She even collapsed today but they send her again home as they say the x-Ray is not working.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jeanette,

    If you’re feeling like this you may need to change your medication. This is something you can talk to your doctor about.

  5. Jeanette

    Its now a month, its 2nd month taking M171. I know feel atfer effect : neasea, and i have sleeping problem, funny dreams

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Maria, Many people who are HIV positive and on treatment find it difficult to tell their partners. Perhaps your hubby – if he is HIV positive – can’t quite figure out how to say it. M171 is a safe treatment for HIV – and it works by reducing HIV so that the blood test result is undetectable for HIV. As Simon says here, being undetectable can dramatically protect partners from HIV, down to zero risk. Perhaps your hubby can’t find the right words?

  7. Maria

    Hey everybody, I’m confused I found my hubby drink those M171 I asked him that what kind if tablets are you drinking ” said to me its for the pain” so when I check what are the meaning of m171 I found its for HIV’ I don’t know what to say n he was hiding the container”

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cebo, It’s great to hear you’re getting better and better. Craving different food is not a reported side effect. Is this a problem for you? But you can talk to the doctor if you think your diet is not quite right and it’s worrying you.

  9. Cebo

    Hi Roy, Thanks for the respond, this days i’m getting better and better, but is it possible for this tablet to make you crave for different food now and then??

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cebo, It’s great that you’ve started medication, and that your CD4 count is strong. Many people have side effects in the first week of treatment but these are usually mild and they go away quickly. M171 is Tribuss. This contains efavirenz and this can cause dizzyness. Taking Tribuss at night can reduce this side effect. But if it continues you can talk to the doctor about changing treatment.


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