Q and A


What are the most asked questions?


About half of all the questions to i-Base are covered by the questions below.

Please check this page before asking a question. If your question is covered by the topics below, we forward you to these answers first.

Top questions

  1. Why doesn’t i-Base answer questions on HIV testing and transmission?
    Important to answer this first. We do care but we also have limited resources. Instead we have published lots of online resources that already answer questions on testing and risk. This answer explains this and includes links.
  2. Can I increase my CD4 count without ARVs?
    Short answer – only ARVs can increase your CD4 count and keep them high. Not vitamins, not supplements, not so-called “immune-boosters” which are scams, not diet. Read the full answer for details.
  3. What can make efavirenz (Atripla/Tribuss etc) easier – or should I change?
    Side effects with efavirenz can be difficult. Efavirenz is one of the drugs in Atripla and the many generic versions that include Atenef, Atreslawin, Atroiza, Citenvir, Heftenam, Odimune, Tribuss, Trivenz, Truno, Trustiva and Viraday.
  4. What happens if I am late or miss a dose of meds?
    There is some flexibility in dosing, especially if you have been undetectable for some time. Aiming for the same time is a good habit but every one is late of misses a dose sometimes, without any harm. See the full answer for details.
  5. How can one partner test positive and the other negative?
    Sometimes this questions comes from the positive partner and sometimes from the negative partner. Often both partners can be confused because they might.have not use condoms, even for several years. The explanation in this answer explains this is common – and just the result of luck.
  6. Can HIV positive people have a baby? 
    Sometimes this comes from a positive man and sometimes from a positive women. HIV treatment covers all situations. It lets couples conceive naturally if the man is positive and the woman is negative. It also protect the health of the mother and baby during pregnancy if the mother is positive.
  7. What happens if I stop taking treatment?
    Short answer: your viral load will rebound quickly and your CD4 will then start to fall – usually to the level before you started treatment. Please see the full answer for details.
  8. What does the number mean on an HIV test result?
    We don’t answer test question but we get this a lot from outside the UK. Short answer: less than 1.0 means you are HIV negative. See the full linked answer for details.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Chloe, for information about transmission and testing please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  2. Chloe

    I had unprotexted sex with a guy 6 months ago, we had sex between March-May (4 times in a duration of 2 months and broke).6 months later, I have had sore throat, muscle pain, tiredness and headache for 1-2 weeks and its gone. I went to the doctor for general blood check results came okay. I now have a white tongue no pain. I have been soo stressful and now remembering the guy i had sex with had shingles few months before we had sex. I am soo stressed, I am scared to do a proper HIV test, would HIV be detected on the negeneral blood text? I cant stop worrying. I asked the guy and he said hes okay he did blood test for his diabetes and all was fine except he was told his cholesterol is high (I cant say I believe him)

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Let’s, after 72 hours there is evidence to support the use of PEP. This is why at 83 hours post exposure you have been unable to find research that discusses this topic.

    It is possible that PEP will have had some effect taking it so late, however there is no evidence of this and it cannot be said what if any impact taking PEP would have had.

    Having sex with someone HIV positive does not guarantee transmission. There a number of factors that change this risk inc. type of sex, partners viral load, genetics and even some component of luck.

    It is encouraging that you are feeling well. You will be able to test and confirm your status at 6 weeks after the last dose of PEP using a 4th generation test.

  4. Let's

    Hey, I apparently discovered the girl I had sex with was +ve about a month ago.She was not on medication.We had sex twice but because she was not well lubricated I could not penetrate her deep enough(I know this is still a risk).I started pep 83 hours after exposure…its 2 weeks since I finished pep.I do not feel anything, I am just feeling very depressed.Has pep been seen to be successful even after 72hours. I would appreciate it if you could reply rather than redirect me to a link.Trust me, I’ve already read all And I can’t find studies on this.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mutesi, having sex with someone HIV positive does not guarantee transmission. There are a number of factors that change the risk of transmission e.g., type of sex, length of sex, other infections and even genetics.

    You will need to test to be sure of your status. You cannot confirm HIV without.

    For more information please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  6. Mutesi

    I’m slept with a man on my first time. He has HIV and target to infect it to me but I was not knew his target, we not protect. After 2months he asking me to do sex again and I was denied. He telling me that he was already infected me for the first time as his target. Now I have many different symptoms but I have many fear to get a Doctor for HIV testing. There is any chance to me to get negative?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Issac, i-base is primarily an HIV treatment charity for people living with information. We have no further information than what has already been provided.

    Any further information we have about testing can be found here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  8. Isaac

    Thank you Josh for the response, I was able to see a doctor, they sort of said my HIV test are good, and almost identical to all you said, adviced follow up test at 3 month, but anxiety and symptoms are giving me great concern.. I have slight malaria/typhoid from test conducted which has been treated. All along, i never had night sweat, sore throat, chills, or fever nor headache! I have had every other symptoms like dry cough, catarrh, muscle pains(persistent), lymph node swell, burning sole,… As am typing this, all symptom has gone, except the muscle contractions/spasm.
    Please could you help me to answer the following?
    1) Must acute HIV symptom include fever, chills, night sweat or headache?
    2) I easily bleed profusely lately, is it part of HIV symptom?
    3) Did other STI test, Herpes, Chlamydia, Gonorhea all returned negative, any other STI that could explain these symptoms?
    4)The Doctor adviced i return in 3 months for test, that is a long agonizing wait to be sure of my status, i can easily get the 3rd Gen test and do test at home, what time can 3rd Gen give a conclusive result?
    5)Can ARV act fast in few days to stop some HIV symptom as during the time i was taking the ARV for those few days, muscle pains elapsed, only continued after i stopped.
    Sorry for bothering you, i promise to stop afterward, thank you

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Issac, a 4h generation test at 40 days post PEP is more than 95% accurate. For this result to be conclusive it would be advised that you have a follow-up test at least 42 days after PEP. It is very unlikely that your result is going to change in the next 2 days but it is recommended that HIV status is confirmed no earlier than 6 weeks after PEP when using this test.

    Given your test results it means that HIV is a very unlikely cause of your muscle pain and swollen lymph nodes. Have you been to see a doctor about your symptoms? and have they started any investigations to look for other more possible causes?

  10. Isaac

    Hello Josh

    At 40 days after PEP, 4th gen returned negative, still having muscle pains all over the body, mild burning feet and small armpit lymph node swell…. It is conclusive? did the ARV i took for 5 days after PEP( during which time, no muscle pain nor cough, but came back after i stopped ARV)… am 47 years, since my adult life, i have never had such muscle pains or swollen lymph node, still wondering what could be wrong? since syphillis has been treated!!


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