Q and A


Just started ART: when will feeling dizzy, tired, weak and the moods swings stop?

I started my treatment last week Monday I always wake up dizzy and tired. i feel different all the time… my legs are burning  I eat a lot and it feels like I am not me anymore.. …sometimes I have energy sometimes I’m too weak to do anything..I don’t understand my mood swings. when will this stop? I’m tired of it. will I go back to my normal self?



This sounds like efavirenz is in your combination.

Please see Question 3 at this link:

Please contact your doctor too to say how bad this is. The side effects usually go done but a few people need to just use a different medicine.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Faith,

    It’s possible that you’re feeling like this due to your meds, are you taking a combination that contains efavirenz? If you are and you’ve been on meds for more than a few weeks, you may need to change to another combination, please see Q3 here: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions The best thing to do is to talk to your doctor/nurse.

  2. Faith

    I started taking arvs in May 2020.l am now fèeling weak ,dizzy no appetite and every morning my heart beats unusaly .what should l do


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